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Calling in Reinforcements, part 2

Posted on Thu Mar 11th, 2010 @ 8:10am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,257 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Trans Galactic Trading
Timeline: current



Raven leaned forward as well. "There are a lot of things I don't like. That doesn't mean I don't want to hear them. What is your theory?"


He gave her a sideways smile. "Think about it. First." He held up his index finger. "You have this company that is getting away with a 20% tilt and nobody is raising red flags to shut them down. Second." Another finger shot up. "They managed to get their hands on some information that hasn't gone public and has only very recently been documented. Finally," A third finger flashed up to match the other two. "We have a sudden situation where some pilots run into a Romulan mine field placed right on top of their position, information only accessed on private channels, mere hours before a Romulan ambassador was scheduled to arrive, also classified information. What does all of that say to you?"

"That there is an insider feeding information who doesn't want to be caught," Raven replied quietly. "Someone on the Starbase who is on OreCo's payroll and who has the ability to keep officials from looking too closely. Until now. Now they're under pressure and need to create a diversion."

Khiy nodded solemnly and sat back in his chair "It's worse yet when you think of what this person has done so far. Murder, possibly, of this Ender guy and certainly of a Starfleet pilot. Worse yet, they are willing to put superpowers against each other just to keep people looking the other way. We both know what this kind of person is capable of..." He was sure that he didn't need to remind her of the things they both had done in the past.

Raven nodded. She knew how dangerous a person like that could be. She'd seen the results of crossing such a person, too. "Yes," was all she said. She sat back and sipped on her drink, thinking over the various options. "So, for now, we focus on OreCo and the mines. And wait for the person behind the scenes to slip up. She was sure there would be someone low on the totem pole to be the fall guy.

"It's the only move you have." He let a long moment pass as he stared at the liquid rolling around in his glass. "I don't need to tell you that the farther you lift your head up on this the more likely you make yourself a target for whoever is pulling strings here."

She looked at him solemnly. "Yea, I know. I'm not about to rush into anything for that very reason."

"Good," he said simply. "Because who else is going to keep me entertained with information I shouldn't be seeing?" He grinned.

Raven made a scoffing noise. "I'm glad I can amuse you." She finished off her ale and set the glass down. "That's all I have for now. Is there anything you need?"

He shook his head. "No, not this time. If anything, I would have you solve this dispute quickly so as to remove the stain on the Romulan Empire. It's insulting that some believe this to be of our design."

"Khiy, we already know the Romulans didn't do this. I've sent in a preliminary report," Raven said, standing. "I may not find who's really behind this, but I'm pretty sure I'll find someone responsible for the mines." Whoever was leaking information would be sure to have a fall guy in place in case the blind failed. It was just a matter of digging until he or she came to light. Then planting some very subtle traps for the real culprit.

He nodded again. He wanted to remain optimistic, but likely she would only find Ender and it's quite literal dead end. He mused over the irony of the name. "Well I wish you luck." He likewise stood to escort her out of the room. "As always, it's been a pleasure."

Raven paused at the door and looked at Khiy for a moment. "Uh huh. I know you don't think much of Starfleet -- or me, for that matter -- but I do appreciate your help."

Khiy folded his arms as he regarded her. "That's not true. If YOU need help, I don’t mind lending an ear. I still have a high opinion of you." He made sure there was no mistake as to why he made himself available. "As for Starfleet,†He shrugged “ loyalty can be purchased."

Raven placed a hand on his arm. "Thank you. On a personal level, I value your opinion and I appreciate your help." She eyed him for a moment. "Just to let you know, I cannot be bought. But I will help a friend." And she did occasionally do favors in exchange for help... but that was not something she wanted to discuss right now. Her gaze grew shrewd. "However, as Starfleet Intelligence, I'll remember that. In case we need to do any unofficial business."

"I give a discount to organisations that come to me with a referral.†He said while grinning. "Who knows, perhaps one day we will work on the same side together."

"I thought we were? At least, on this matter," Raven said with a grin.

"No." He said shaking his head "I have done nothing that you wouldn't have figured out in time. All I am in this regard is a sounding board, a fresh perspective at best."

"You and I see this situation in a way no one else does. We see it from a smuggler's perspective. You can help me see things I might overlook. And, who knows, I may need more than a sounding board before this is over."

"If it comes to that, I would ask that you consider your instructions wisely. You are one of a small group of people that know what I am capable of doing to resolve an issue."

"Yes, I do," she replied solemnly. She'd heard tales and seen what he was capable of. He was one of a very few people who could scare her. He was also one of a very few people she trusted with her past.

"Fortunately such things don't need discussing today." He said cheerfully "You have a lot of work ahead of you if this is all true. A war of minds has just begun."

"Yes, I do have a lot of work ahead," she said with a small sigh. A whole lot of work. "Thank you, Khiy." She smiled. He had given her a lot to think about. "I appreciate it."

"My pleasure." He smiled. "I almost feel bad for this insider, whoever they are. They have no idea who is on their heels. May their deity protect them when you catch up with them." If there was one thing Khiy remembered about Morticia from the old days, it was that she was known to be a 'closer'. One way or another, she would catch up with them eventually, and when she did...

Raven gave him a cat-like smile. She did enjoy mouse hunting. She let her hand trail slowly down his arm and drop to her side -- she'd forgotten her hand was still on his arm. "I'll let you know what I find." She turned to leave. "Oh, and feel free to drop by any time." She smiled again as she began to run through various options for tracking down the insider.


Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading


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