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Urban Warfare Training

Posted on Thu Mar 11th, 2010 @ 8:38pm by

350 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Holodeck
Timeline: Current


The scenario was simple one company would assault and the other Two would be standing by as a base of fire. Captain Fletcher would be taking A company in for the main assault. The situation was very basic. A few mines and snipers in her way but nothing very serious. This was her chance to run her Marines and see how they acted under her command.

Amanda had the first squads in position and were slowly entering the village, mostly European style structures most Two story. At the edge of the town she lost a Marine to sniper fire and was attempting to move her casualty out when she had Two more wounded.. One of the squad leaders to off on his own and entered the village without coordinating his move with her and gained a few buildings. Captain Fletcher didn't see the move but Jerry did. He pinned them down hard with enemy fire.

Amanda was confused and when she found out what had happened got very red in the face, but kept her composure. Moving the second Company in to flank the Village she was able to re-enforce the squad and push to the center of the town and keep any further casualties to a minimum. She organized street patrols and began a clearing process while she searched out the squad leader for an epic butt chewing...

Major Parino followed these events with sporadic snipers and a few booby traps but nothing the unit shouldn't be able to handle with the firepower and engineering that was available to them. It was the wise thing not to step in and let Fletcher run the show.

The simulation ended after Six hours with the objective taken and secured. He watched the Captain run a after action briefing with the Three companies and was comfortable with her opinion of the outcome. He would have to call her in and talk with her later and go over some issues that he liked and some that needed a lot of work.


Major Jerry Parino
Commander 3rd Battalion, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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