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Area Patrol

Posted on Thu Mar 11th, 2010 @ 5:07pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

318 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Tiberious V
Timeline: Current


Major Reynolds was in the lead vehicle, the Gunny wasn't very happy about it but there was little threat of any mines or ambush in this sector. Reynolds had left camp Stonebreaker with A company on a recon sweep with twenty Two vehicles and loading terrain data into the systems for future reference. The convoy moved along quickly if the terrain allowed. and he was being careful what paths he took as this would probably turn into a decent road as soon as his Battalion Engineer got the map data. Mid morning they reached a heavily wooded area that could not be passed through without heavy equipment and it was decided to rest and set up security for the night.

Erwin was done with his mission updates to the Colonel and was snooping around looking for something to eat. The Sergeant major came into camp with his radioman trotting behind him sweating to keep up.

"Got the security out Major, looking good for tonight. Breaking early will help the squads see the ground in front of them before dark."

Reynolds nodded, "Thanks Rick, we need to get the ranking marine engineer up here to see about getting a road through here. Don't see what we'll do about it the next few days."

The gunny sat down and pulled out a ration bar and started chewing, "I'd just go around it to the south, map shows a very nice spot about ten clicks from here. Good ground and a small river close by."

A company ate their meals and settled in for the night. It was later decided that one of the new lieutenants would take out a ambush patrol to train shortly after midnight. They got through the perimeter without making a sound and Reynolds and the Gunny were impressed with his first try at an ambush extraction.


Major Erwin Reynolds
Commander 3rd Battalion, 21st Marines


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