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Meeting Mr. Nance

Posted on Thu Mar 11th, 2010 @ 10:24pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

559 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Edward Fannin was told a Mr. Nance was on the schedule by Chief James. He was annoyed that the meeting was scheduled for over an hour. but he was also advised not to ditch the meeting. whoever this was he was a very important man.

At promptly 1300 hours he Arrived, Tall in his late thirties and very well dressed. He was carrying a large satchel with him as he entered the Captains office.

"Welcome to Typhon Mr. Nance, I hope your trip was quick and without hazard." Edward held his hand out.

"Very well Captain Fannin, I travel quite frequently so I don't mind the voyages I must endure for the cause." He shook Fannins hand and was waved to the chair beside Fannin's desk. Nance placed his Case on the floor beside his chair.

James had brought some beverages in and served coffee. As she left she had a strange smirk on her face that left Edward puzzled.

"How can I be of help to you Mr. Nance?"

"Please, call me Gene. I'm here on Fleet business Captain. Since the discovery of Tiberius V and the rest of the system the Fleet as you know has been somewhat keen about it's commercial development. In other regards the Fleet also has a few other ideas and after some great deliberation with Federation officials thought Very highly of the location for the project."

Fannin waited for Gene to elaborate.

"A mountain Range on the planet has been selected for the location of this project." Gene opened the case and took out a padd and showed it to Fannin who leaned over to view it. It was close to the southern most pole of the planet, but still in a fairly temperate zone as he recalled. A small continent of solid volcanic rock...

"I see. What type of project is it?"

"You shall see it appear slowly as a small entrance to an underground facility. As the Director of the program that is all I authorized to tell you at this point." Gene took out another padd and typed an authentication password in and handed it to Fannin.

Edward read the message and understood the need for all the secrets. After he was finished Fannin typed in a codeword and handed the padd back to Gene.

"Quite a Project, will you be needing anything else from the Station?"

Nance stood and grabbed the case. "Project Nine calls for the support of lodging facilities only at this point. Once the site has been established just transportation support for the people working there on the project. As you see the area around it is off limits with the exception of Project Nine staff. You are directed to share what information you know with your senior staff only, but I expect rumors to begin as soon as my staff arrives here."

Fannin stood and offered his hand again in parting to Gene. "If there's anything you have concerns with please let me know Gene."

Nance left the Captains ready room and James entered. "Who the heck was that guy?"

Fannin laughed. "I think he was one of those super secret guys we're not supposed to know about... I think we better schedule a senior staff meeting this week."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Gene Nance, NPC (LC)
Director Project Nine


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