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Finding trouble

Posted on Sat Mar 13th, 2010 @ 11:47am by

905 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Thomas's Quarters/ Rick's Tavern
Timeline: Current- after Urban Training

Thomas was getting ready for bed when there was a very loud banging at his door. It had been an extremely long day of training, and he was tired.

"Come in."

In walked Darius, Jennifer, and Alex. All three were dressed in civilian clothes. Darius wore a jeans and a sleeveless shirt, showing off his marine tattoo. Jennifer was wearing shorts, showing off her muscular legs, and a t-shirt. Alex was in a red button down shirt, and black jeans.

"You know that there is a ringer?" Thomas asked sarcastically.

"Its more fun to bang." Darius replied, "You did well today...proved your not a pansy. Therefore, you are coming with us."

"Excuse me?" Thomas replied.

"What he means is that you need to get pants on cause its time for your initiation. We are going to Rick's Tavern."

Thomas blushed just now realizing he was wearing only his underwear. His team laughed as he quickly got dressed in black shirt, and blue jeans. They escorted him out of his room, and towards their destination.

***** 2 hours later- Ricks Tavern

Thomas laughed loudly. "You mean to tell me that Tank over here is scared of heights? How did you pass Zero-G training?"

Tank spoke up defensively, "I have no problem jumping."

Alex laughed louder, "You lie...I have to damn near push you every time."

This set off another round of laughter around the table. The four marines had first eaten...then began drinking. All four were getting rather drunk. Apparently their aim was for Thomas to never want to drink again.

Thomas spoke up, "What I don't get is this. Darius, I understand why they call you Tank, and I can understand Pyro for Alex...but why do they call you Ice Queen, jennifer."

Alex spoke up, "Cause she's a stone cold killer." he laughed.

Then Jennifer spoke, "Don't forget it...or you'll be next, Alex."

Their conversation was interupted when a rather large man approached. "Excuse me, but you need to be quiet. We are trying to have a conversation and you are so loud we can't hear each other." He said, motioning to a table that held 5 other men...obviously off duty crewman.

Darius is the one who spoke first, "Piss off."

The man grew very red in the face, and then noticed the tattoo on Darius's arm.
"You think that just because your a marine, you can speak to me in that manner?"

Alex spoke next, "No, he speaks to you like that because he doesn't like you."

Darius stood rather drunkenly, "Yea thats go before we have a problem."

Thomas sat upright in his chair sensing that situation was going to get out of hand. It did rather quickly when the man who matched Darius size hit him directly in the face, knocking him to the floor. There was a moment of silence...and then all hell broke loose.

Thomas stood. In his drunken state, he was ready to fight, and he got his wish as one of the men from the other table ran at him, and tackled him to the ground. Thomas landed hard, getting the wind knocked out of him, before being punched in the mouth. He hit back, hitting the man in the throat, not hard enough to kill but to disable, and pushing him off. The man was out of the fight, and he turned to see Jennifer being swung at by another man. Thomas jumped in, grabbing the man from behind and putting him in a headlock. Then man began turning wildly, trying to break free from the smaller marine's grasp.

Suddenly, Thomas felt a bottle explode on the back of his head, and everything went black.

***** Brig

Thomas opened his eyes to see Darius, Alex, and Jennifer in the same cell as him. Darius was bleeding from his nose rather badly, and Alex was sporting a black eye. The only one unharmed was Jennifer. Thomas spoke up.

"What happened?" He asked.

Alex and Darius began laughing, and Jennifer looked ashamed. "I hit you over the head with a bottle...I didn't realize who you were, then security showed up everywhere. We are all got arrested and Rick's is trashed...I think we are all going to be banned."

Thomas ran his hand through his hair, and looked at it to see blood. His second night on the station, in his first post, and he was in the brig. This wasn't going to look good on his record.
"So what happens now?" He asked.

"Not sure." Alex replied, "But I doubt it will be good when Greenwood, or god forbid 1st hears about this."

Thomas walked over and slapped Darius on the back of his head, "I can't believe you got me arrested!" He yelled, "Its my second freakin day...and I'm in the brig. I could get court-martialed!!!"

"Sit down, and be calm." Jennifer said, "Their not going to court-martial you for a bar fight. We might get extra duty and some some diciplinary action. It ain't gonna be fun, but I think its worth it. You took down proud. Darius got knocked out with one hit."

Thomas and Alex laughed as Darius turned red. Then Alex spoke up, "You earned your stripes with us today FNG..."

Oddly enough, Thomas was happy about it...but not looking forward to the consequences.

PFC Thomas Kane
Marine- 21st Marine Regiment
Starbase Typhon


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