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Making Peace

Posted on Sun Mar 14th, 2010 @ 3:30am by Commander Raven Adams

1,590 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet

Faron frowned, as he finally chased down the Romulan ambassador, Sub commander Annhwi.

"Ambassador Annhwi," Faron said, as he approached her. "do you have a moment for an official discussion?"

Miral was reading through a report from her home. When she heard the voice she stood and turned. "Yes?"

"I was wondering what you had learned about this Rihannsu mine in federation space business. I can't seem to get any special details from Captain Fannin, and was wondering what you had gathered." Faron said, with a frown.

"What I had gathered? Why would I gather anything about your mine?" Miral asked, surprised and slightly suspicious.

"Well, Captain Fannin said there was a Rihannsu mine, which detonated on a federation shuttle, in federation space, killing a federation citizen. However, unlike the Captain, I am not a man of brash action. I was hoping you would have either an official, or unofficial reason why allegedly Rihannsu mines would end up in Federation space? Keep in mind, this is an off the record conversation, and, I will write out an official complaint later, on behalf of the Captain, but only because I'm required to, by regulations, and you are more than welcome to throw it in the recycler. I just want to hear your side of this story." Faron said.

"An official complaint about WHAT?" Miral spat out. "My side of WHAT story? That one of your pilots ran into a Romulan mine? I know nothing of that. I had nothing to do with that and I resent the implication. In fact I will be filing a report not only with my superiors, but also with the Federation Council. Just because I'm Romulan doesn't mean I am involved in something as stupid as placing a mine near a Federation starbase. Especially one where I'm supposed to be working for peace."

"Actually, madam," Faron started up. "I was asking for your official reply as the Rihanna Ambassador to the Federation, as my contact on Romulus referred me to you. I was not specifically implying you had anything to do with it, and nor was I accusing you of doing any such thing. I just want to know whether or not the Rihannsu government has an official explanation for Rihannsu mines being in Federation Space. However, now that you brought it to light, is there an issue with Captain Fannin, or another Starfleet officer that you are having, that I can help resolve, or are we just going to shout at each other like unreasonable, unintelligent people?"

"Yes, I have issues," Miral replied. "My ship was scanned for explosives without notifying me in advance -- a clear violation of your own rules. I was treated like a criminal by your Captain and I find his hatred of Romulans reprehensible. Regardless of how he was treated during the war, or how the Federation treats Romulan prisoners, he refuses to acknowledge that our governments are trying to form some sort of agreement for peaceful cohabitation. He is still at war." She paused for a moment to collect herself. She was still furious at Fannin and those under him. "As for an official statement, the Romulan government is sorry for the tragic loss of a Federation pilot. The mine is of an old design, one not sued by our government in many years, we have no idea how it got here or who is responsible. Off the record, look to your own people for the culprit. Again." While she was aboard the USS Republic as a Romulan Representative she had been accused of murder simply because she was Romulan. Now, she was again being treated as a suspect. No wonder the Federation was in such a mess. They were too busy blaming others for their own mistakes.

Faron nodded. "Based on how far we are from Rihannsu space, I thought it was unlikely that it was deployed by a Rihannsu ship. That's why I brought this up with you, off the record. I will have a loud argument with Captain Fannin, and the specific members of his staff who illegally scanned your vessel. That's completely not acceptable, as you have stated, and I will recommend reprimands to Starfleet Command in all of their cases, including Captain Fannin. Forgive me for not phrasing, or wording these intentions clearly, however I wasn't aware your ship had been illegally searched. If you wish to bring up formal charges against Captain Fannin, or any member of his staff, I will be happy to assist in the court filings, as I was a student of one of the Vulcan Ambassadors who assisted in the cease fire treaty, and the currently ongoing peace conferences, and I do not like seeing hard work undermined by people who think that rules and regulations don't apply to them." He said. He took a slight breath. "Or people who are too military minded to look past the running of their own base. On the record, I will pass along the message to Captain Fannin, that the Rihannsu government does not have any recording of a Rihannsu mine field being placed in this base's vicinity. Off the record, I will tell you right now, I want to deck the man across the face for being such an empty-headed buffoon about this."

Miral was surprised by this turn of events. "Thank you, I was going to file an official complaint this evening to both governments," she replied. "Military-minded is quite apt. They are so busy beating their chests and acting like primates that they fail to see the foolishness of their position." She paused again, not wanting to vent to this stranger. "Thank you for your help, but I do not require it at this time. However, I will let you know if that situation changes."

Faron nodded. "Up until this moment, I had thought that Captain Fannin was an intelligent man, who could handle any situation diplomatically, and easily. Now, I realize, I will have to find a way to keep closer tabs on him." He said, looking annoyed. "Especially if he, or his crew are going to routinely break Federation protocols, regarding foreign vessels who we are trying to be better friends than 'I won't shoot you, if you don't shoot me'."

He shook his head. "I apologize for bothering you with this mine issue. It does, however, thankfully give me the opportunity to tell you that you are free to tell the Federation Council, in your report, that the Federation Ambassador posted on the Typhon completely agrees with you, on the legality of this search, or lack thereof."

He handed her a PADD, after signing it with a stylus. "As written, and signed here." He added.

Miral took the PADD, not sure what to make of the gesture. "Thank you again, Ambassador. Your support is most appreciated."

"It is only me, doing my job, Ambassador. I'm here to represent the Federation's views, and beliefs, not to agree with the Captain's idiocy. Thanks are not necessary." Faron said, with the shake of his head. "From what little I have gathered, however, your dealings with the Federation to date have not been especially charming."

"No," she replied wryly. "They have not. I was accused of murder on my first encounter with the Federation. Now I am a suspect in another attack. It does not show your Federation in a good light."

Faron looked down. "Sadly, it does show it in a truthful one. No matter how hard we try, to make ourselves better, to pretend that racial prejudice, and racially based assumptions are a thing of the past, there always seems to be more of the intellectually impaired willing to persecute, based on race alone, over the diplomats who want a better tomorrow, free of it. They really should put a better screening on some of these morons they allow into Starfleet." Faron said, shaking his head. "I apologize for the way you have been treated. It's not an official apology from the Federation, mind you, but it's all I can give you."

Miral nodded. "Apology accepted, although you appear to have had nothing to do with it." It was nice to know that there was at least one person on this station that wasn't going to believe the worst of her simply because she was Romulan.

"In addition, in the future, if you have an issue with Captain Fannin, I would, at the very least, appreciate being present. If nothing else, so I can reprimand Captain Fannin when his attitude is inappropriate, when dealing with someone in your position." Faron noted.

"I didn't know there was an issue until I met with the captain. Otherwise, I assure you I would have taken someone else with me."

"Which is why we have official channels in the first place, Ambassador. Regardless of that, however, the conduct of several personnel aboard this base were improper, and you have been wronged. I will see to it that court filings are brought forward, regardless of whether you want them to or not. They clearly violated several Federation Laws." Faron said with a nod. "I find myself with a great deal more paperwork than originally intended, so if you will pardon me, I must get going."

Miral nodded. "I wish you well." She watched him leave, then went back to her reading.


Ambassador Faron Lenar
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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