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The Duke, Count and Baron

Posted on Fri Mar 12th, 2010 @ 6:31am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

421 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Colonel's Office
Timeline: current


Wilhelm was working on processing his tenth PFC of the day. "Well, I'm going to stick you in the First Battalion Private. Report to Major Parrino immediately for assignment. Good luck Private T'mpec." Watching the Private leave Wilhelm breathed a sigh of relief. "Now that's done for the day." Wilhelm said to himself when his receptionist buzzed him. "Sir, there is two visitors here to speak with you." Wilhelm reponded, "Who Corporal?" The receptionist responded back, "Eberhard Lindfels, and a Richard von Bernstorff sir." "Well send them in..." Wilhelm said while thinking why would these two people be on the station in the first place."

Hearing the chime Wilhelm opened the door to see two well dressed humans walk in. "Oberst Freiherr von Hackleberg?" The taller of the men said in German, "I am Eberhard Lindfels, the Duke of Württemberg, and this is Richard Count von Bernstorff." Eberhard said while motioning to his companion, "We came to this station on business and heard one of our respected kinsmen was in residence at this fine installation."

Wilhelm gave a bow of greeting and responded, "Gentlemen. Pleasure to meet you." Wilhelm said while thinking about his family line wondering how he could possibly be related to this man. Wilhelm knew of them from back home but did not know them personally. "...What can I do for you today?" Eberhard replied, "Well we were planning on starting a settlement on the new planet not far from here and we were going to go meet the Kapitan about it when we learned you were here. We were wondering if you could write us a letter of introduction for us. Since we were both of the opinion you've heard of us from home and I was a close friend of you father you could help us meet some protocol." Wilhelm thought about and how formal these gents were. Wilhelm said, "Well I suppose I can for a Peer of the Realm," Refering to the Duke title, "... but it will not be much, since I personally don't know both of you." Wilhelm grabbed a PADD and started typing, finishing it quickly he handed it to the Duke.

"Thank you Freiherr. Now we shall take our leave of you. Also, I was wondering if you would like to join us for supper this evening and we can talk about home." Eberhard finished.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO
SB Typhon


Eberhard Lindfels, Duke of Württemberg

Richard Count von Bernstorff


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