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Doctor's orders...

Posted on Tue Mar 16th, 2010 @ 1:15pm by

263 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Federation Embassy

Faron reviewed his messages, and laughed at the Captain's little reply.

"To: Captain Edward Fannin

From: Doctor Faron Lenar

As stated in the letter of reprimand, it is only a letter of reprimand, no charges have been filed, though the Romulan Ambassador is welcome to do so, if she thinks she can throw a legitimate case together.

I do not, however, approve of your diplomatic style, and must request, during any future dealings with diplomats of another empire, to be present.

I suspect that you are likely over-stressed with situations of late, and have attached a gift, complete with a prescription, to assist in this regard.

-Ambassador Faron Lenar"

Faron chuckled, as he taped the note, written on paper, to a bottle of Saurian Brandy.

He taped a second note to it.


Written by: Doctor Faron Lenar
Office: Federation Embassy, Deck 59.

Dosage instructions:

500 mL every 5 minutes, as needed.

Prescribed for:

"Medicinal treatment" of chronic, stress-induced Migraines.

-Doctor Faron Lenar"

He pressed the comm button, and asked Amalia to send in the new aide, Ensign T'vanna, to his office.

The Vulcan woman approached him. "Sir. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Faron laughed. "Just get this up to the Captain."

The Vulcan woman shrugged.

She stepped into the turbo-lift, and walked into Fannin's Reception Office.

"I'm supposed to leave this with you. Please see that Captain Fannin receives it." Ensign T'vanna instructed the woman behind the desk, and left, before any further comment could be obtained.


Doctor Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
USB Typhon Embassy

Ensign Therese T'vanna
Diplomatic Aide
USB Typhon Embassy


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