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Posted on Tue Mar 16th, 2010 @ 7:39pm by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

500 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Detachment
Timeline: current

[Marine Detachment]

The large cat walked into the room. M'Eow tread silently, on her paws instead of in boots, which were always uncomfortable for her. She had just arrived from the transport ship bringing her from Tranquillity colony here to Starbase Typhon. Her stuff in her bag, and still out of uniform, wearing only her comm badge stuck to her fur, the big feline extended a claw of her front paw and pressed the doorbell to von Hackleberg's office.

Hearing the chime, Wilhelm opened the door, "Come on in....Mein..." Wilhelm said quickly reaching into his desk, then hesitated when he realized his visitor was a Caitian female, "Sorry about that miss come on in, I thought someone......never mind.... How may I help you today?" Wilhelm stuttered out.

The Caitian woman let out an amused chuckle. "You thought someone... what?" she asked, stepping into the room. "I'm M'Eow Purr, Lieutenant Colonel, reporting as your new Exec."

Standing up from behind his desk Wilhelm walked over to M'Eow and offered his hand, "I was just informed I was getting a new exec, didn't expect you to be Caitian though." Wilhelm said then continued, "Welcome to the 21st Marines. Well come on in and claim a seat."

M'Eow smirked, showing her fangs. She took his hand, and as her paw was squeezed her claws extended, sharp and pointy. "Few people ever dare give me a handshake", she stated matter-of-factly. "And I prefer to stand. The chairs here aren't geared to my anatomy."

"Very well. Their definitely is a trick to giving you a handshake. I had a Caitian in a platoon I ran awhile back..." Wilhelm said. Going back to his desk he brought up M'Eow's file and scanned it quickly. "I see we visited the same old vacations spots. Funny we never ran into each other, different units though. Well I see everything is in order here" Wilhelm said while turning off his computer. Grabbing a PADD, he checked it quickly, then handed it to M'Eow. "Here is your room assignment, info on the station, and orders to our Quartermaster for your gear withdrawal. I'll let you get a little settled in, then we'll talk some more later. Any questions?" Wilhelm said.

"I am settled in", M'Eow replied. "I can start right away. All I need is my place on the duty roster, an office assignment and your standing orders, as to the way you run this unit."

Wilhelm looked at a PADD quickly, "Well ma'am, I'm going to put you on our second shift and there should be a empty office right down the hall a touch, the duty officer will open it up for you. Standing orders for right now is avoid anything to do with the Damron Group, train and drill, and hope for the best." Wilhelm finished.

M'Eow nodded, then headed out to begin with her duties.

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO

Lieutenant Colonel M'Eow Purr
Marine Detachment Deputy Commander


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