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Disturbing Uncoverings

Posted on Tue Mar 16th, 2010 @ 3:43am by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commander Raven Adams

856 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Main Astrometrics Lab, Deck 54
Timeline: Current

Lucas tapped his comm badge as soon as his final scan was completed, =A= Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams, please report to Main Astrometrics immediately. =A=

The science officer was disturbed by what he saw on the console in front of him. He almost raised a red alert, but Lucas didn't want to cause unnecessary panic. "Computer, can you input scan data into the Astrometrics mapping systems?"

"Negative," replied a feminine voice. "Data is not sufficient to map accurate readings of tachyon particles."

Astrometric's doors hissed upon to reveal a female character. Thank goodness, Lucas thought. Now I won't have to listen to the rambles of a computer voice. He then pressed a mute button on his console, initiating an awkward moment of silence.

Raven observed the room at large for a moment. She wasn't sure why the Chief Science Officer muted the computer. It seemed a bit odd. "You wanted to see me?" she asked as she walked into the room.

"Yes," Luke began. "And might I add: your timing is impecable. The computer was almost about to go on a logistics rant." The man paused for a moment, breathed in and adjusted his stance. "The scans that we discussed prior have been completed. I'd like you to see what I found." Reports began to crowd the large viewscreen as Luke pressed various buttons on the console.

Raven looked them over, taking in the pertinent data. "Do you have a visual map of the tachyon concentrations?"

Luke's face began to drop into a frown. "Currently, there is not enough data to plot the readings. I first need to analyze the data to see if the traces are mobile. Then, I can merge the readings with a map of the surrounding space. I can tell you that the tachyon particles have been around the station for approximately two weeks. There are also a dozen distinct concentrations." Lucas paused, allowing the intelligence officer to take in the information.

"The concentrations are probably the mines." She tapped her combadge. "Edgar, tap into the astrometrics computer. Look at the tachyon particles. Check to see if they're moving. Also, There are 12 definite concentrations. Check them against the star map and tell me what you find." She looked at Lucas. "I hope you don't mind. I know you are good at your job, but Edgar is faster." She didn't know as much about science as he did, but she knew computers. Within a minute, she had a reply.

"Tachyon particles are slight, but traceable," the voice was slightly smug. "Mines confirmed. Drift is minimal. Map is onscreen."

"I trust you're not trying to over-step me at all, but, if I may ask, who is Edgar? Is he one of your intelligence people?" The man changed their original subject in an instant, wanting to know who computed all that information so fast.

"Edgar is my computer interface. He's got a rudimentary intelligence. As an AI, he has access to multiple databases and libraries so he can search ten times faster than a human can. I use him for most of my research," Raven replied. "And I'm not trying to overstep anything. Computers are what I spend most of my time with, so I know a few... shortcuts. You said the readings are about two weeks old? So, we can safely say that the mines appeared, or began to appear, two weeks ago?"

"I used to consider myself fairly apt at computers myself, but I've never heard of an AI such as yours...You should check out our AI/Cybernetics Research Labs some time." Jackson paused, realizing he was running off subject again. "Anyways, that would be correct. I can't tell you exactly how they got here, but they definately started appearing during that time period. I didn't detect any other readings that would signify a cloaked ship."

"I don't expect you would. Too problematic. They wouldn't need to cloak, just... fly casual." Raven shrugged. "The information helps. Thank you. And I will check out the lab. There may be a few tweaks I can use on Edgar."

"Alright," Luke began to reply. "I'll keep an eye out for more tachyon particles, and I'll let you know if a new concentration comes up."

Raven nodded. "I appreciate the information. It will help. At least I know when to focus my search." She didn't think she would find the person behind the mines, but she might find the person who planted them. "I will let you know if I find anything, as well."

"Thank you, Ms. Raven. I enjoy being in the loop. I think we've covered everything, so we better get out of here before the astronomers take back the lab with force." Luke let out a small laugh. He motioned his hand towards the door, in which Raven walked out of first. Lucas stopped for a moment and admired her figure. He didn't try to get distracted by much, but he could barely resist the thought of a beautiful woman.


Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon


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