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An Ambassador surrounded by green....

Posted on Wed Mar 24th, 2010 @ 5:48am by

437 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Diplomatic Forest

Faron strolled down one of the Diplomatic Deck's recently renovated corridors.

A young woman was walking along with him. She was much greener than Faron. In more ways than one.

"So you are saying that psychiatry isn't that important a skill, for a chief medical officer?" The woman's soft voice asked.

"You are a doctor. Not a psychiatrist. The Chief Medical officer is a predominantly Scalpel and Hypospray position. Just because Psychology isn't your strong point doesn't mean you shouldn't apply for the transfer." Faron said, with a laugh. "Your sister would be happy to have you aboard, Kallisti."

Kallisti Ivin'Ishka laughed. "I suppose that's true. The Blackhawk is short staffed, and I haven't seen Aneris in 3 or 4 years now..."

Faron shrugged. They continued walking from stone slab, to stone slab. The vines, and various "trees" made the dull, boring, metal walls feel miles away. A portrait on the roof gave the impression of a high ceiling to the place.

"Don't get me wrong, young lady. Psychiatry, and Psychology are handy skills for a doctor, but they are seperate practices. Not requirements." Faron said, as he stopped at a small 'clearing'.

"Forward, left, or right?" Faron asked. "It's more than just a question of direction. You can move forward, on the same path, looking for a base who wants a medical officer to help out with the rush, or you can quit the fleet, and try your own practice. Or you can give the other path a chance. Turn your fleet career into a medical practice."

She shook her head. "I would be responsible for my sister's life."
"And that of dozens, if not hundreds of other crew." Faron noted.

Kallisti looked around, and decided to sit down at the bench in the clearing.

Faron smiled. "I will leave you to think over things. If you get lost, page me, or just tell the computer you want to return to the primary reception area. The lighting along the floor boards will come on, and direct you."

Kallisti nodded. "Thank you, Ambassador."

Faron laughed. "Thank me when you find your answer."

Kallisti shrugged, as she watched him go.

After about half an hour she nodded.

"Computer, relay a private message to Lieutenant Commander Aneris Ivin'Ishka." Kallisti said.

"Ready." Came the computer's voice.

"I'll take the job." Kallisti said. "That's it, computer."

The computer played an acknowledgement noise.

Kallisti walked through the path on the right, and laughed, as it dropped her directly into the main reception area.


A post by

Doctor Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
USB Typhon Embassy


Ensign Kallisti Ivin'Ishka
Not Currently assigned
Not Currently assigned


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