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Posted on Sun Mar 21st, 2010 @ 3:46pm by Captain Anna Johnson

509 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet

Things were hectic for Anna right now. Captain Fannin was busy with other things and she was working bridge alone this shift. Reports were coming in but luckily no major problems were coming in and it was stuff she could easily handle.

She finally got a chance to breath for a moment and moved into her office for some coffee. "I've got to get a yeoman for myself." She thought as she leaned back and sipped the coffee.

There was a knock on the door and she reached up and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Come in," She said in a tired voice.

Jana stepped through the doors with a to go box in her hand. "I thought you might like a good burger and fries. I had checked and it looked like you were still going to be here for a while."

Anna smiled and took the offered meal, "Thanks, how did school go today?"

"It went okay. I finished my placement test and can actually start taking academy prep courses if I want to along with the basic stuff like Federation History, math and sciences." Jana said as she took a seat.

Anna took a big bite of the burger and smiled then swallowed, "Sounds great, do you know what field you might be interested in?" She asked.

"I hadn't really thought about it. Maybe engineering or science. I still have time to decide. That is what the precourses are designed for after all."

Anna nodded as she swallowed another bite, "True, and you don't have to go into the academy if you don't want to and have several years before that decision becomes more crucial."

"Exactly," Jana said, "I'm still adjusting to not being on Earth, I need time."

Anna watched her a moment and it looked like there was something she wanted to ask but was reluctant to do so. "Is there something else on your mind?"

Jana nodded, "A few of the kids invited me to this dance spot designed for the younger crowd and I wanted to go check it out." Jana said.

"What's the name of this place?" Anna asked. "Dancing the Night Away." Jana answered.

Anna quickly pulled up the details, "They serve decent food, only syntholic drinks, play music from several centuries and cultures. If you want to go I see no real problem. Just be home by 2200."

Jana gave Anna a hug, "Thanks."

Anna looked at her, "And don't get into trouble. If you do it will be a while before you will be aloud to do something like this again."

"Understood." Jana said with a nod and one more hug. "Talk to you later." She said her face beaming.

"I want to know more about him when the evening is over too." Anna added.

Jana turned a deep shade of red as she hurried out the door. Anna smiled then got back to the burger Jana had brought in. She was starving.

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Acting XO

Jana Johnson (NPC)
Sister of Anna


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