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Command Company Training

Posted on Wed Mar 24th, 2010 @ 11:25pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

471 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Holodeck 3
Timeline: current


"GET DOWN!!!" Wilhlem yelled as a shell went flying past and detonated against a nearby building. Shaking off debris Wilhelm ran into a bombed out house where his personal squad was huddled. "Second Platoon got stranded in an office building about a quarter mile north of here. They got cutoff when the arty bombardment started. First is in the surrounding buildings. Third is still in that miserable ditch a quarter mile to the south waiting for the arty to slack, and Fourth got caught out in open and are still scrambling to find cover." His communications Corporal stated as another shell landed close by.

Wilhelm quickly went over the scenario: Link up with Second platoon, then assault the artillery posistions further to the north. The terrain would've fit right in the counrtyside of France with rolling hills and a smaller village.

"Alright Marines. We need to get the Third up here ASAP and get whats left of the Fourth organized. ESM tech start scanning for enemy signals, they have to have at least one spotter sighting it in. COMM, let me know as soon as the mortar section is set up and give priority of them to Second they'll need it. Tell First to keep their eyes open and reign the Fourth in." Wilhelm ordered.

About two minutes later Wilhelm could here the familiar hollow thud of mortars firing. "Mortar section is up sir!" The COMM tech reported then continued, "First reports the the Fourth is under cover with light casualties. Medics are on hand." Wilhelm figured there would've been casualties even though every infantryman knows to find cover within 30 seconds of an artillery bombardment opening up.

The ESM tech looked up from his equipment and said. "Sir. There are enemy transmissions being broadcasted from a building about a mile and a half away at the top of that hill." "Very well." Wilhelm responded then hit his COMM "First platoon can you hit that house on the top of that hill three klicks away to the nor'west?" A couple of seconds later Wilhelm got a report from First saying the building was to far away to be accurate. Wilhelm then turned to the COMM tech "Order the Mortar section to lay a 30 second photon barrage on that building. Fused for ground burst..."

Watching through a set of binoculars Wilhelm seen the first mortar rounds land on target for a devastating effect of flying debris, dust and flame. Within ten seconds of the first hit the building started to crumble and Wilhelm made out the faint outline of someone running like a bat out of hell from the building. By the end of the bombardment all that remained was craters, debris and smoke. "Now to go get Second..." Wilhelm muttered.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO
SB Typhon


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