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Routine Sickcall

Posted on Fri Dec 25th, 2009 @ 5:21am by Commodore Edward Fannin

224 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Main Sickbay / Trauma Two
Timeline: Current


Andre had been busy from the start, Arriving at the Main sickbay at the first watch he dove right in to the lobby full of waiting customers... A four year old Human Girl with a fractured arm from a nasty fall, several viral patients and a shuttlebay crewman with a crushed leg. The last taking up several hours to stabilize and mend. He was very happy with his team of Nurses and had ventured into the Pharmacy department which was massive having everything he could think of plus many experimental medicines.

He had a small office right between the Trauma rooms. He liked being close and could keep up to speed on anything that needed his attention immediately. There was a good sized ward that could hold Forty , which had Ten patients in it already. He made rounds and found the med staff at that location first rate and very knowledgeable. The proper sterile protocols were excellent as the infection rate was less than 1% He had a few "well Baby checkups scheduled for the end of the shift and planned to stay on a small cot in his office thru the last watch as he was on call. This could be a great place to work as there was plenty to do all the time.


Lieutenant Andre Danner
Medical Officer
USB Typhon


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