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Meeting the Cheif Architectect

Posted on Fri Dec 25th, 2009 @ 6:35am by Commodore Edward Fannin

244 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin was very eager to meet the lead designer of the station. And was very surprised as Yeoman James entered his office with an elderly man in tow.

She spoke softly, "Sir I'd like to introduce Mr. Loren Peterson, Typhon's designer."

Fannin walked to Peterson and offered his hand. "It's my honor to meet you Mr. Peterson."

"Ah, Captain Fannin, the pleasure is indeed mine, there's much I need to tell you about."

Peterson sat and was given some Tea by Yeoman James. "I started here ten years ago on what was my last build. It has taken all my strength to complete. Age holds me back now as I approach 97 years old. I hope my concept will serve you and your crew well."

Edward spent the next Three hours asking dozens of question about the design, it's weaknesses and it's strengths. Fannin was completely fascinated by Peterson's explanation of the unbelievable feats the build team had overcome. First came the horrific storms , then marauding pirates and long distance Romulan probes. Many had been injured or lost their lives getting this Starbase built. They were ready to get home.

At the end of the meeting Peterson stated he would be retiring finally and have a fond memory of Typhon.The man rose from his chair slowly with a sigh. "I will be returning one day soon Captain Good luck to you and the crew."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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