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Marine Defence Training Module A

Posted on Thu Mar 25th, 2010 @ 4:24pm by

327 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Holodeck
Timeline: Current

Jerry jumped up on the small platform in front of the battalion. "Today will be a test. You are here taking part of the first of Three training senarios that will complete your Marine physiological training. This is a hologram training program. You will feel pain here, that's the process." The Marines had heard about this type of training but none of them had ever been through it before...

"The Marines want this to be the only battle you will lose. And you will lose it. How you do that will be up to every last one of you as Marines. You will personally be aware of just how good a Marine you think you are." Jerry pointed to his battalion, "Remember to die game and fight to the end, use your training and skills to inflict the most damage that can be handed out. You will enter the fort and be processed as companies. Good luck to you all."

Major Parino stepped off the platform and took his place with the first Company and his banner and the Marine colors followed as the entered the holodeck...

In seconds they were standing in the middle of a small four walled fort on the top of a hill. the heat was almost unbearable. Jerry heard the platoon sergeants snapping out orders to man the low dirt walls and take cover. Marines scattered leaving Parino and the guidon bearers standing directly in the center. He looked out accrossed the hundreds of sand dunes that surrounded them. The company was open for all sorts of attack, and the disaster was about to begin....

Several scouts could be seen scrambling up tall dunes in all direction around the fort. They all knew what was going to happen here. Yes it was training but the most extreme that could be given without causing the death of the trainee. Pain would be had here mental demons would be real and Marines forged.



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