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Marine Defence Training, Conclusion

Posted on Thu Mar 25th, 2010 @ 5:20pm by

608 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine Holodeck
Timeline: Current

The company was ready, or as ready as they could be. The Major watched his 128 Marines dig in and do what they could to fortify their positions. He noticed the older Marines checking their equipment and more than a few were armed with hand held tomahawks.

Several minutes later they could hear a low hum. On the right side of the fort the scouts were in full flight , running at top speed to the wall. Jerry ran over to see what they had to say.

A young sergeant who was drinking gulps of water was sitting on the wall. "Can't tell how many could be thousands of them, natives with spears and shields. Their marching up the ravines in large squares. Their chanting something. Sounded like Zulu..."

Jerry didn't like the sound of that report at all. The company was armed with TR 116a's. Single shot weapons against a Zulu hoard armed with spears and swords.

The Marines watched as the chanting got louder and there attackers stopped on the other side of a large dune several hundred feet high. Then the chant stopped cold....

Parino called to the other Three platoon commanders, "I need all Platoons on this wall right now. Lets go."

A lone warrior stood across from them. A rifleman from the first platoon took him out with a clean shot to the chest... The Marines cheered as the Zulu fell backwards on the opposite side of the dune.

Jerry caught their attention, "Single fire, you each have Two hundred rounds. Fix bayonets." The clatter of men snapping on the sharp attachments was brief be sobering

The first wave was the shield bearers, a thousand wide and hundreds deep. They ran over the dune like a tidal wave screaming for blood several dropping immediately to Marine fire. What puzzled the Marines was the fact they stopped Thirty meters from the low walls piling up and banged on their large shields. The were dropping at a steady rate with the wall of ballistic fire shredding the front line. what happened next was the proof as thousands of spears launched into the air towards the Marines who took cover behind the small wall of the fort. Jerry wasn't lucky today a spear plunged through his upper leg just above his armor and almost pinned him to the ground. Screaming as a marine dragged him to the protection of the wall he heard the Zulus charge...

The first company was overwhelmed in minutes as the wave pushed over them rifles were used as clubs and bayonets ran with blood. Marines of the second platoon raised their banner and charged over the wall into the Zulu's creating a large gap trying to break out. They went down quickly..

Parino propped himself up and fired at everything that moved passed him and bodies were stacked and heaped on the walls. A huge Zulu slapped the weapon from his armed and sunk a spear into his chest. He felt a burning pain and woke up laying on the holodeck with the worst headache he had ever had in his life and a dying thirst. Soon all of his Marines were with him. The room was very quiet. Some Marines were in shock and running their hands over their bodies where they had received wounds. Their breathing was heavy and eyes dilated. Jerry stood as the lights brightened and led them out side. After a debriefing they could return to the barracks for three days off. He watched the faces of the next company as they filed inside. He saw fear.


Major Jerry Parino
Commander First Battalion, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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