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Project Nine

Posted on Thu Mar 25th, 2010 @ 3:59pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

239 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Elevated Planes, Mystic Range, Tiberius V
Timeline: Current

Gene was impatient, the digging equipment was long over due and his tunneling machines would arrive first. He was instructed to conceal the boring equipment as soon as it arrived but there was impossible to do. Most of the first team of engineers were here on site and lodged in their small portable buildings not far from the escarpment. At least they were a quiet bunch this time...

He was scanning the view from the edge of the cliff as a young man with a green hardhat approached. "Mr. Nance the com center sent this message a few minutes ago, thought you may need to know this right away."

Gene took the message and smiled. "Two days, excellent news. We're back on track."

He looked at his assistant and slapped him on the back. "Tell the crew the news and have the ground section begin laying the heavy rails out to the landing and assembly area right away."

"Yes sir", the assistant took of in a cloud of foot dust were his heavy boots hit the dry ground.

Nance headed back to the chart room to check the measurements again for the tenth time. Had to be perfect the tunneling cost far to much to screw up. The first ten days would be critical to the project. This facility was to big for mistakes. The rock here was good and wouldn't need much in the way of re-enforcement.



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