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State of Things

Posted on Fri Mar 26th, 2010 @ 5:46pm by Commander Ian Casey

398 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: AGC's Office
Timeline: Current


Ian walked into his office and looked around. The place was bare and looked more like a cell than an office. He sighed and walked to his desk where he saw a large stack of reports. He knew they’d be there but he was still surprised at the sheer size of the stack. He grabbed the PADD at the top and scanned the data on it.

Throwing the PADD back on his desk he walked to the replicator and ordered a cup of coffee. The device made a strange noise then went silent. He attempted his order again and there was nothing but silence. “What a surprise,†he said as he looked around the room again.

Frustrated with the state of the office, he walked to his chair and sat down. He needed to start getting this place in shape. He slid the PADD he’d tossed earlier out of the way and grabbed the next one on the stack. He scanned it to get an idea of the content and set it aside. He quickly continued the process with the others and separated them into various stacks by content.

He paused when he finished and looked at his desk again. He’d separated the pile into four smaller stacks. It looked better but there was still a lot of work to do. He grabbed a PADD off of the Personnel pile and scanned through it. The roster looked like a large mess. There were pilots on leave, pilots working in other departments, pilots in sickbay and pilots that were AWOL. Ian felt his blood-pressure rising and closed his eyes.

He took a few minutes to calm down then opened his eyes and grabbed a PADD from the Assets pile. He groaned as he looked at the list of operational fighters: 20 Broadswords out of 24, 16 Razors out of 24, 27 Valkyries out of 48, and only 3 of the 12 Peregrines. He’d never seen a unit in such bad shape and he was furious.

He needed to calm down. He looked at the stack of PADDs on his desk and knew that sitting here in front of them would only make things worse. He desperately needed a way to release some of his frustration. With one last glance at the stacks of PADDs he stood up and walked out of his office.


Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon


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