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Posted on Mon Mar 29th, 2010 @ 2:56pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

556 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Camp Stonebreaker
Timeline: Current


Major Reynolds met the captains shuttle at the pad and watched as Edward Fannin and Major Parino walked down the ramp. He came to attention and tossed up a quick salute to Typhons Captain. Fannin responded with a sturdy handshake.

"Major Reynolds hows things going down here?'

"Good sir, glad you could make it down for a visit today." Jerry shook Major Reynolds hand in turn and was smiling at Erwin. "Your team ready for a rotation down here?"

Jerry looked around the landing area and remembered a few short weeks ago when it was a barren valley floor.

"You bet. The air here is fantastic and you have done amazing work getting the place ready." All three men began to walk to the marine compound several hundred yards from the landing pad. "Yes we have just about completed the last of the barracks and many defensive upgrades are done. I think your men will enjoy the mess hall and barbecue pit the marines created too."

Fannin watched as several shuttles landed and started to unload there cargo. Stonebreaker had indeed grown to become a very large support base.

Major Reynolds pointed to the command building, "We upgraded from a bunker last week and have some things I need to show you." Once inside Captain Fannin and Major Parino were greeted with a few cups of coffee as Major Reynolds popped up a map of the camp and surrounding areas on the wall.

"This is an accurate display of the base and its perimeter without the defensive grid. As you can see we were able to finish the water treatment plant and electrical grid here, Reynolds pointed to a spot on the diagram. Recreation areas and armory here, and a very sizable shuttle landing area complete with a maintenance section here."

Fannin was very impressed and saw that an enormous amount of work had been done.
he asked about the defenses and the grid popped up as Erwin began pointing out a flurry of details.

"it is by no means a passive defensive system and hard to detect. It's only drawback is the fact that it looks like we have no defenses at all which may lead to an attack. The cannons and anti personnel devices are very well hidden along with the anti air system which went online last week. These positions are shrouded and only reveal themselves under attack."

The three men walked outside after the short briefing and walked through the camp. Fannin talked with as many Marines as he could getting their opinions of the place and had actually wandered off with a few Marines to see a garden they were harvesting. The two Marine majors continued on discussing the rotation plans that were scheduled in the upcoming weeks that would bring the third battalion home to Typhon and the first battalion to the camp.

Edward wasn't ready to leave but had to return to the ship for a meeting with several groups of newcomers to the station, he had promised chief James he wouldn't be late. They boarded the shuttle and were off planet on there way back to Typhon quickley with their Fighter escort.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Major Jerry Parino
Commander, Third Battalion , 21st Marines

Major Erwin Reynolds
Commander, First Battalion, 21st Marines


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