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The Note

Posted on Mon Mar 29th, 2010 @ 6:05pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

121 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Found by crew Observation deck 141
Timeline: Current


The teacher, Brooke Simmons saw the envelope taped to the large observation window and pulled it off the glass as her class looked on. As it was addressed to no one on the outside, she opened it and started to read...

My dear Krang, soon you will discover my handy-work. twas a wonderful site to see. Thought you were done with my like. I will be busy here as the game begins. I plan much work here with you ole son as my knives are ready... I will visit you soon to pay my bloody respects.


Brooke was startled by the message and told her assistant to take the class and return to the school as she called security.


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