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Trills in the dark

Posted on Thu Apr 8th, 2010 @ 7:05pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon

796 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Current

Ambassador Wix walked down one of the corridors in the forest. It was dark, and the paper lanterns barely illuminated the pathways. Her small lantern illuminated the path immediately around her slightly better.

She walked towards a clearing, and noticed something that had sounded like footsteps following her a few times.

She stopped, as she entered the clearing.

Lying flat, face up on the pathway, was a Starfleet officer, an ensign, based on the pips. Throat slit.

Alexis barely refrained from reviewing her dinner a second time, and tapped her commbadge.

"Ambassador Wix to Starbase Security. You may want to send a team to my coordinates, immediately." She said, softly.

"Computer, daytime illumination, immediately." She added, once the comm line was no longer active. To her dinner's dismay, the pathway was stained red. It decided that a little patch of grass just outside the clearing would be it's new home.

Krang shook his head with frustration. He had just gotten back to his office from dealing with a dead body when he heard the call come in from the Ambassador. He stood and walked out into the main "bull pen" area of the security department. He placed a type 2 phaser into the holster he wore on his hip and looked at the rest of his team. "Grab your gear, we've got another one."

"On it boss." came the always to perky response from Toni. Krang grumbled under his breath and thought to himself, "If she so much as thinks about another movie reference I am going to smack her." He did not however say that out loud, and that was probably a good thing. He popped a carrot stub in his mouth and worked it around into the corner of his jaw. He would much rather be chewing on one of his cigars, but the station's fire teams did not react well to him setting off the smoke detectors.

In less than 4 minutes the rest of his team was geared up and ready to roll out. They stepped onto the transporter pad and nodded to the operator. A moment of sparkling light later, they arrived in the arboretum. The first thing that stood out was how bright the lights were for this time of night.

He looked around and noticed a crowd gathering. He made eye contact with Tim and David and made a circling motion with his finger. They knew right away that he meant for them to secure the perimeter and push back the crowd. They both hurried off to do just that.

"Ambassador." he said with a nod. "I am guessing you found the body since you're the one that called us?"

Wix nodded. "I was just out for a walk, after that rather staggering buffet the Captain held earlier. Had that creepy feeling like someone was following me. Came into the clearing, saw the body, called you, raised the illumination, and threw up over there." She said, indicating a spot near the 'north-east' exit of the 'clearing'.

"Ok. Thanks for making that clear. That way we can eliminate the vomit as biological evidence. Did you touch anything?" Krang asked.

Ambassador Wix shook her head. "My 6th host was a police officer. I know better than to touch another investigator's evidence."

"Very good." Krang said with a nod. "We will take things from here. Thank you for your assistance."

The woman nodded. She stepped back, behind the lines, and watched with the rest of the gaggle of onlookers.

Krang quickly turned to his team and started barking orders. The team moved quickly to process the scene like only a well coordinated team could.

"Sir! You need to see this!" came an almost panicked shout from one of the team members.

Krang hurried over. "What is it?" he asked gruffly.

The young forensics tech didn't say anything, but instead pointed to an area near the body where the number 3 had been written in blood in several languages.

"Let me guess." Krang said, "Long, thin blade, Very sharp, no defensive wounds?"

The tech nodded. "Whoever did this, did it very fast. She never knew what hit her, but she didn't die quickly. They left her here, bleeding out. A conservative estimate would say she laid here bleeding and unable to do much of anything for about 6 minutes."

"Damn." was all Krang could manage. He slowly walked away from the scene. It was bad enough that he still needed to talk to Fannin, but now the story had just gotten a lot worse. This was no longer random. This was without a doubt a "serial" killer and they were daring Krang to catch them.


Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer
Starbase Typhon

Ambassador Alexis Wix
Trill Ambassador
Trill Embassy
Played by Ambassador Lenar


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