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Compatriots, part 1

Posted on Sat Apr 10th, 2010 @ 9:35am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,020 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Trans Galactic Trading
Timeline: Current


Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi walked into Trans Galactic Trading looking for Khiy Tal'ehrihn.

She walked up to the girl at the desk and nodded. "I wish to speak with Mr. Tal'ehrihn."

"Of course, I can check to see if he is available." She said, smiling. "If the call is regarding cargo shipments or freight security, I am qualified to help you with your needs."

"No. The call is of a personal nature," Miral replied, giving the girl a cool look.

Aliana nodded politely and tapped the panel on her desk. After a few quiet words she looked back at Miral. "It seems Mister Tal'ehrihn is available right now." She stood up from the desk. "If you will follow me, I will lead you to his office."

The pair passed by a number of offices filled with sales associates, customs managers and purchasing agents on the way to Khiy's office. Stopping at a seemingly non-descript door, she directed the Romulan to step inside. "You can go right in." She said smiling before she turned and walked back to her desk.

Miral gave the girl a half-smile of thanks. She walked into the room and looked around, taking stock of the room and its occupant. "I am Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi," she announced.

Khiy held a frown when he had heard a moment ago who was paying him a visit. The name was familiar to him, as it would to most Romulans of strong family lineage. That's what concerned him the most about her visit. He had always been quiet about his past and certainly about his family line, information he would like to keep quiet from Romulans and Federation alike.

As the doors slid open his expression changed dramatically. Brandishing a large smile, he stood from his desk. "Ambassador. Please come in." He invited "Please have a seat." His hand indicated to the couches in the corner of the room. "Can I get you a beverage?"

"Rose tea, please," she responded. She sat down on the sofa. "Please, call me Miral. I am not used to being an Ambassador as yet. It is still a dramatic difference from Sub Commander."

Khiy nodded thoughtfully as he replicated the drink. Once the beverage was in hand, he turned back to the seating area and handed the tea to her before seating himself opposite her. "Obviously the responsibilities have changed, but do you find people treat you much differently now?"

"They still treat me like a criminal," Miral said in disgust. "First, accused of murder, now of planting mines near the starbase... But that is not why I'm here."

"Oh?" he said while he crossed his arms and leaned back further into the sofa.

Miral matched his gesture. "Yes, oh," she said, sitting back and folding her arms.

Khiy was slightly amused by the posturing, but his face remained impassive. He still wasn't sure how much she knew of whom he was affiliated with, so instead he decided to play it safe.

"Is there some business transaction my company can help you with?"

"If I were here for a business transaction I would have spoken with your assistant," Miral said quietly. "No. I'm here to meet you. There are very few of us on this station."

Khiy smiled and relaxed slightly, but only slightly. Being half Rihannsu wasn't something he advertised to others. It would take someone really looking in order to discover his background. But perhaps this was just a social visit after all.

"Indeed." He unfolded his arms. "I'm not surprised by the case, however, the Federation isn't nearly as tolerant of other races as they claim to be. There are enough roadblocks set in place to discourage most Romulans from ever taking up permanent residence in ANY Federation locale."

"To put it mildly. I had high hopes when I met Captain Ohlsson of the USS Republic and the Chief Science Officer. They were both very open-minded and friendly. But the rest of the crew was... hostile. I've only met the Captain and the Federation Ambassador here. Fannin hates Romulans." She eyed him for a moment. "That's not why I'm here. I came here to meet you. My former Commander knows your father."

Khiy winced internally, though there was no outward expression of such. It seemed he was right to think that the Senate might be keeping tabs on his whereabouts, or if not them, then certainly Romulans of high station. If this information became public knowledge then a very large target may well be painted on his head, both by the Romulan and Federation governments.

"Does he now?" He asked, still not willing to give away too much in case he was just being paranoid. The Tal'ehrihn name was a very large house, after all, and it may be likely that she mistook who his father really was. "Perhaps I may recognise the name?"

Miral looked at him coolly, giving nothing away. "I am sure you know the name of the Captain of this facility. I do not think you are that naive as to set up business without knowing with whom you will be dealing." If he were going to play games, she would follow suit.

A small smile lifted from the corner of his mouth. "I might make note of such things if I felt I had something to hide."

Miral raised one eyebrow. "We all have something to hide, Mr. Tal'ehrihn. Even you." She had done some research on the Trans Galactic Group before coming to speak with its owner. There wasn't much to be found, but there was enough to raise a few questions. If one knew what to look for. And she did.

It was true, he had much to hide, but he wasn't sure what angle she was approaching it from. "And what might I need to be hiding?"

"I've had too many dealings with the Tal'Shiar to play these games," Miral said, standing. "I do not wish to waste your time or mine." She headed towards the door.

(To be continued...)

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Chairman, Trans Galactic Trading

Miral Tal'Aua Annwhi (NPC)
Romulan Ambassador


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