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A second Body

Posted on Thu Apr 8th, 2010 @ 6:58pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

872 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Enlisted Quarters deck 35
Timeline: Current


Crewmen Bonnie Grey was returning from her shift as admin assistant to the Air Traffic section and was hoping her room mate Jackie was ready to go. They had planned to meet some friends at the Ten forward for some music and dancing. Bonnie was ready for a two day break from work and could sleep the next day away. Jackie opened the compartment door and smelled the odor of the dead immediately. Her roommate Donna Tisdale was laying naked on the lower bunk with her head almost severed from her body...

Greg Morris was in a deep sleep in the quarters next door and was startled by the screams. He bolted out of bed and pulled his pants on running to the door. Greg didn't know the the gals next door but knew there was some big trouble by the sounds. As he entered the passageway he saw his neighbor slumped in the hallway holding her hands in front of her wailing and completely hysterical. he and another crewman from down the hall ran to the young woman. Morris told the crewman to call security as he didn't have his commbadge..

Greg looked into the doorway and saw the young victim laying on the lower bunk. He turned and grabbed the screaming female and pulled her down the hall out of site of the room.

Avon Marks had called security and had seen the girl in the room, It shocked him deeply and he was weak at the knees and wordless standing in the hall. The smell was ghastly.. It seemed to him the body had been there for a few hours...

Krang and his security team arrived a short while later. As he walked in the room, his strong sense of smell was assaulted by the unmistakable smell of death. "Whoa! Now that's nasty. I don't care how long you work in this field, you never get used to that." he mumbled to himself.

He looked around and those gathered in the room and said, "Who can tell me anything about what we have here? Who, When, How, Why, or anything else would be nice."

Morris came forward. "I heard her screaming, I'm sure she just got off shift and found her roommate."

Krang motioned his team to start inspecting the body and the scene. While they worked, he decided to interview the roommate. "What can you tell me about her? Did she have any enemies that you know of?"

Bonnie was shaking and going into shock, it seemed she was unable to form any words through her hysterical state. Basically she was scared out of her wits... She alternated from trembling and mumbling.

Greg Morris stepped forward. "They are very quiet over here, I don't see them much as we're all shift workers on the deck and seldom see people around. But I never heard any trouble until today. I think she needs to see a Doctor Commander."

Krang made eye contact with Kate and gave a curt nod. That was all that was needed to tell her to take Bonnie to see the medic and stay with her.

Looking at Greg, Krang said "Why are you the one answering all my questions? Is there a reason you don't want the one who actually has something useful to tell me doing her own talking?"

Greg looked at Krang, "Well, Sir you can ask around but not many crew know each other on this deck."

"Right. Got it. Thanks for your help. If you do think of something, be sure to tell Chief Nelson over there." Krang said pointing to a tall blond man taking statements near the edge of the crowd.

"Yes Sir, I could use a good drink right now, the nerves are a bit shot. If I can think of anything I will contact him right away Sir."

Krang moved over to where his forensics team was working. "What have we got?" he asked in his gruff, all business tone.

"Well, Sir, that's the weird part. There is a lot of blood on the scene, but other than that, there is very little forensics. The would would indicate a long, thin blade." Thompson said pointing at the woman's neck. "And then there's this.." she said, pointing to something on the deck. "I can be sure, but it really looks like someone wrote the number 2 in several languages using the blood as a media. If I'm right, then several of the markings on the deck near the body the other day could have actually been the number one and I just didn't realize it due to lack of frame of reference."

Krang shift the carrot stub from one side of his mouth to the other and made a thoughtful noise in the back of his throat. "Add that to the note that was found this morning and we have the makings of a real problem on our hands." He said, then made a decision. "Keep working here. I need to go talk to Captain Fanning."

He quickly hurried out the door, past the crowd, and down the corridor toward the nearest turbolift.


Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer
Starbase Typhon

Various NPCs by Captain Fannin


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