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Getting Some Air Support

Posted on Sun Apr 11th, 2010 @ 5:05pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ian Casey

640 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Air CO's Office
Timeline: current


Wilhelm made his way to Air Operations and started looking for Ian. Asking a nearby Ensign, Wilhelm learns the Commander is in his office. Walking up to the door Wilhelm hit the chime.

"Enter," Ian said to the door as he read over the status of the maintenance schedule.

Wilhelm walks into the Commander's office and notices the large pile of PADDs on his desk "Busy? I can try back later..." Wilhelm says.

"I can use a break, Colonel," Ian said, looking up from the PADD. "Please, have a seat. What can I do for you?"

"Well Commander, I was wondering if you and some of your pilots wanted to get some live exercise time in. The 21st is sending a battalion to our base on TIberius and taking the one there home. I was planning on making a live-fire, on stun, exercise out of it. Basicly your pilots ride shotgun the way there then provide some combat air support." Wilhelm said.

"How many fighters were you thinking about," Ian asked, trying to find the list of operational craft.

"That's not entirely my area of expertise..." Wilhelm said with a wince. "... but probably a flight of Valkyries for escort then four or so Broadswords with a Peregrine or two to back them up. Or whatever you deem necessary for escorting a medium size freightor I plan on using for hauling supplies and to act as a decoy, plus enough assualt shuttles to lift a battalion." Wilhelm said. "Besides there is the firepower of the target to consider as well which would dictate how many Broadswords and Peregrines to bring along."

"What kind of firepower?" Ian asked. "What type of target will my boys be going against?"

"The target is Camp Stonebreaker. I'm having the First Battalion kick out the Third...Purely an exercise, all weapons will be set on stun or will be simulated." Wilhelm said matter-of-factly.

"If you can give me a list of expected defenses I can put a flight together to take them out for you," Ian said. "The more intel I have the better prepared my people will be."

"Totally understandable Ian. You can never have to much intelligence." Wilhelm says and without realizing it touches the scar on his cheek. "They have one photon torpedo launcher, three micro torpedo launchers and at least three pulse phaser batteries, and latest reports say all the defences are very carefully concealed. Here is a list of all the other defences we have on file." Wilhelm says as he hands a PADD to Ian.

Ian scanned the PADD for several minutes before looking at the Colonel and saying, "This won't exactly be a Milk Run but I'm sure my boys can handle it." He paused and looked at the PADD again. "You know, if this assault works you'll have to consider improving the security around the base."

"Exactly." Wilhelm said. "Who better to find all the chinks in the defences. Us or the enemy?"

"Good point," Ian replied with a nod. "When are you planning to run the exercise?"

"The First is scheduled to move out this coming week which I plan to do a day early to keep our forces on the ground a little surprised." Wilhelm stated.

"That should give me time to get the fighters ready," Ian said. "I have several on standby now, but it will take time to prep for a ground assault. Rest assured, we'll be ready when you need us, Colonel."

"Outstanding Commander." Wilhelm said with a grin. " Well, I do believe I shall take my leave of you to handle your end of the exercise. Good day."

"Thank you, Colonel," Ian said. "I look forward to seeing your Marines in action."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
21st Marines CO
SB Typhon

Commander Ian Casey
SB Typhon


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