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Packing Up

Posted on Tue Apr 13th, 2010 @ 3:21pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

267 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Camp Stonebreaeker
Timeline: Current


Major Reynolds walked through the compounded talking to most of the supervisors present about the plan moves for the 3rd battalion. The morning scans of local space showed everything clear around them. He had told the gunny to bring in most of the observation points so those Marines could pack up their personal equipment. He saw Sergeant Major Rick Knight...

"Good morning sergeant Major, how are things rolling out?"

The gruff Marine was armed to the teeth. "Good major, just a few loose ends to gather up. The first company has all their gear on the ramp ready to go. I suggest we put them on a Mike Force."

Erwin looked puzzled. "A Mike Force? Do you think we'll need one?"

"I would rather have one standing by and not need it than to need one and not have one standing by Sir."

"Good point Sergeant, I'll let you form that one up, I'll get with the company commander." The Sergeant Major was off to ruin the day of the First company while Reynolds briefed the New captain of the changes. They thought they would be the first ones off the planet now they would be tail end charlie...And have to drag all their combat gear with them off the camp.

It took almost an hour and a few butt's got kicked but 'A' company shuffled out of the camp in good form fully loaded. They wouldn't be going far as they didn't have any vehicles but the mood was sober among the Marines...


Major Erwin Reynolds
CO, 3rd Battalion, 21st Marines
Camp Stonebreaker


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