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Battle Plans

Posted on Fri Apr 16th, 2010 @ 5:39am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

501 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine HQ Operations
Timeline: current


Wilhelm was in Marine Operations when Major Parino comes up to him. "Major. Glad to see you. I wanted to talk a little about your upcoming move to Camp." Wilhelm says.

Parino was eager to move his battalion to Stonebreaker. "Yes Sir, we're ready"

"As I was telling you at the Captain's party we are going to make an exercise out of this. Basically, an assault on the Camp itself with Commander Casey's fighters in support. Questions so far." Wilhelm stated

"Air assault or combined sneak attack Sir?"

"I was thinking along the lines of a sneak attack. Drop your marines off and keep the base occupied with an air attack then send your marines in."

Jerry moved over to the Map table and made a few notes, "Sir There's a few really good LZ's around the Camp. I think I'll avoid those and land further South about a day away. We could move all night and hit them at dawn. Reynolds is sharp, he'll have the landing areas open but covered by indirect fire, I'm sure of that."

"His record indicates that much....I agree landing further south would be a better bet. However, I hope that their observation post in the mountains to the nor'west will not see our shuttles land. However I do have a little surprise for our friend Reynolds. I have medium sized freighter on call to haul in the camp's supplies plus your battalion was supposed to be on it. We could use it as another distraction."

Jerry started laughing, "Sorry Sir, But we could add in the excersize input that their was a chemical spill on the freighter, and some of the cargo may be contaminated, he would then have to evacuate the camp...right into an ambush." He laughed again.

Wilhelm chuckled, "You know that is definitely an interesting idea, but it is a very dirty trick, they'll already be surprised enough when they let the freighter through their shield and a dozen Broadsword fighters come barreling out behind it. No, Major Reynolds is expecting your troops to be on the freighter and knowing some of the men under his command I would expect a reaction force out there somewhere too. H--l, they probably are setup for an attack that way, that would only tip our hand early. I'd say an attack from the south and when the camp lets it's shield down use the fighters for cover. Unless you have something better. It's your Battalion, I'm only going as an observer."

"Yes Sir, The safe bet is from the South Sir. When do we go?"

"Well you're scheduled to leave in 5 days. Have your marines ready to move out in four days. I'll let Commander Casey, Captain Aleksandr of the freighter, and all our assault shuttle pilots know when we're moving. Questions, concerns?" Wilhelm finished.

"No Sir, we'll be ready."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Major Jerry Parino
CO, 1st Battalion , 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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