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Posted on Tue Apr 27th, 2010 @ 12:35am by Lieutenant Commander Aishel Enor [Blackhawk]

408 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Promenade
Timeline: 1324 hours

Kajinski's stomach was rumbling again. He was looking for the Three Star Court tht Sid had recommended. He was almost ready to give up and go to Crabby Bob's Crab Shack when he saw the sign. Feeling relieved, he went inside and united for table. He did not have to wait long; the lunch rush was winding down and he managed to get a table recently vacated by a pair of nurses. Normally Sacha would have noticed how pretty they were but right now all he cared about was getting something to eat.

The waitress came over and handed him a menu. "Can I get youu something to drink, sir?"

Kajinski considered for a moment; it had been a while since someone had his favorite brand of his favorite drink.

"Do you have Nicorov vodka?" he inquired hopefully.

"No but we do have Smirnoff. Boss likes it better."

"Met, that's because he's never had Nicorov. No Russian would think of drinking Smirnoff. Smirnoff is a a reject, the vodka that you drink if you don't know your vodka."

The waitress tried to stay friendly. "Yes, sir. Would you like something else?"


The waitress sensed glad to have an excuse to leave. Kajinski supposed he was being rude. He needed to do better; his mother had certainly attempted to raise him better than that.

She returned with his water. "Have you decided?" She pushed a red curl behind her ear.

"Yes, I would like the beef shish kebab, medium, and a side salad."

She took his menu. "I'll bring it right out." About twenty minutes later, she brought out Sacha's food.

Kajinski was immensely enjoying food. Sid had been right when he said Russian fine dining was becoming a lost art. Sacha loved any kind of Russian food--especially if it had meat-- and it was getting harder and harder to find. Ase he ate, he wondered what he would do with the rest of his time. He hadn't been snowboarding on the planet. He would need to go where there were people for safety reasons, but that sounded like a good idea.

The food was quite good and reminded him of his mother's cooking. He remembered dinners in front of the fire on a white Christmas, nowboarding with his friends, and camping in the wilds of northern Asia. Sacha sighed. What he wouldn't give to be in Russia right now.


Ens Sacha Kajinski
NPC'd by: Enor


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