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Wonder Pets

Posted on Tue Apr 27th, 2010 @ 1:38am by Lieutenant Commander Aishel Enor [Blackhawk]

557 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: The Pet Emporium

The stabase was huge, expansive. Sacha had just eaten and was eager to look around at the shops. He was making his way to the bar for a little gambling when he saw the most beautiful creature in the pet shop. Making a detour, he walked in.

"You are beautiful." He was mesmerized.

The girl behind the counter smiled at him. "Thanks. You're not bad yourself."

But Sacha wasn't looking at her; he was looking at the snowy white bunny in her arms. "You are beautiful." He stroked the white fur of the rabbit.

The woman was less than pleased. "That's what the shop is here for." She did seem a little annoyed.

"Sorry. How much for this rabbit?" he asked. The inquisitive rabbit bobbed his head u and down, looking at Sacha.

"Ten credits. He's very smart and extremely curious." She hesitated. "Are you sure you know hat having a rabit entails?"

Sacha considered that for a moment. "Niet. I mean, no."

The brunette gently scratched the rabbit's cheek; the albino bunny closed his eyes in contentment. "Rabbits like to chew. They'll chew on plastic, cloth, wires, paper products, anything they can get those sharp little teeth through."

"Is there a vay to lessen that?"

"You have to give them chew toys, and lots of them. They need hay and rabbit food, but hay is their main food. It's only found near planets and starbases, so if you're going to be in deep space a lot, I'd recommend a cat or a dog."

Sacha grunted. He really wanted the bunny. "He scrathed the bunny's cheek; the rabbit closed his eyes and leaned into it. "Da, I vill be a vay from any starbase for a vile." He stared longingly at the rabbit.

"Well if you reallly like him, you might like a Risian parrot." The owman put the rabit back in his cage and opened the cage to a bird that looked like a large Earth cockatoo with a mane of gold and yellow feathers. The bird rasped a greeting and flew to Sacha's shoulder, causing to him to laugh. 'Vell, hello."

"Hello mush for brains."

Sacha's smile became rather fixed. "Did you teach him zat?"

"No, he came like that. He is extremely smart and learns new words easily. Birds keep their ailments hidden well, so regular check ups would be a good idea."

"That isn't a problem. Vood he destroy anything?"

"Just paper and wood. Like rabbits, they gnaw on theings but they aren't as destructive. A good block of wood would be enough. He eats fruit, nuts, seeds, and bugs."

"Nuts, seeds, and fruit I can get easily."

The girl smiled as the bird gave Sacha a 'bird-kiss'. "He seems to like you."

Sacha was laughing again. "How much?"

He is fifteen credits, but you need a cage and an idea of what you'll need to replicate for him. Do you want a perch too?"

Sacha scratched the bird's cheek to see what he'd do. The bird cocked his head so that Sacha could get just the right spot. Kajinski smiled.

Fifteen minutes later, Sacha was in his quarters with his new pet.

"Now for a name. Mikhail?"

The bird rasped a reply.

"You like Mikhail?"

The bird rasped again.

Sacha grinned. "Mikhail it is."


Ens Sacha Kajinski
NPC'd by: Enor


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