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A bonny good idea...

Posted on Tue May 4th, 2010 @ 2:37am by

1,074 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: T'var Quarters

The past few days had started to run together for T'var. She had numerous duties, all of which required her full attention, however she was finding it very hard to ignore all the distractions that the station had to offer. The promenade, the shops, the eateries, it was all quite large and to one small hybrid, quite overwhelming.

She made her way through the dark corridor back to her quarters, imagining the blissful feeling of the sonic shower that would shortly be washing away all of the grime, grease and sweat of the day. She had to admit of course that she missed running water. On a starbase resources such as that were limited to senior staff and distinguished guests, and T'var was neither. Still, the sonic show would suffice, and she had grown accustomed to it's soft vibrations working their way across her skin.

Suddenly behind her she heard footsteps. It wouldn't have bothered her except that her keep hearing, inherited from her Vulcan ancestry, detected in inconsistency. Most of the time when someone walked, they had their own distinctive pace, their own unique stride that set them apart from everyone else. Whoever was following her though was walking in perfect time with T'var, almost as if they were intentionally shadowing her.

Her heart skipped a step as this thought crossed her mind and she quickened her pace, as did her follower. Her blood was beginning to pound in her ears now as her adrenaline surged, sudden fear making her feel almost giddy. She broke into a half-run and spotted her quarters up ahead. The computer recognized her bio-signature and the door slid open with a loud swish as she reached it. She dared a quick glance behind her as she entered her quarters, but saw nothing. Had she simply imagined it? Just another one of her nightmares manifesting itself during her waking life?

She sighed and, humming to herself, she went over to the replicator to order a drink. She was already calm again, a bonus to having such a strict Vulcan upbringing she supposed.

"One cup, Hot jala." She said, eagerly awaiting the creamy alcoholic beverage.

Taking her drink she then proceeded to sit down in one of the two large armchairs provided for her use. She was still marveling at her good fortune in getting these quarters. She knew some people at the academy who would have killed for such a luxury.

She took a long sip of her drink, enjoying the silky texture designed to coat the tongue and prolong the taste experience while simultaneously providing an extremely intoxicating effect. After a few drinks she ordered the computer to begin a selection of Earth and Vulcan classical music, and a few drinks after that, her eyes heavy, she drifted off slowly into the realm of dreams.
And nightmares.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Her scream echoed loudly in the small brick room. Her feet were nailed to the floor, the bloody rivets cutting through flesh and bone like searing knives. Her naked body was covered in a weeks supply of filth and grime, and her long dark hair was matted and twisted with a greasy slime. She screamed again, her lungs resisting the sudden flow of air. The ceiling bagn to lower.

She tried to move, tried to escape, but there was nowhere to go, and the rivets in her feet prevented her from escaping even if an avenue was provided. She began to cry, her tears; blood.

Suddenly the ceiling opened up, and the small room disappeared, as did the rivets, to be replaced by the soft crunch of freshly mowed grass. She looked around her and noticed young men and women in uniforms all standing, pointing, laughing... at her! She looked down and feverishly tried to cover her naked body to no avail. They were everywhere, suddenly, hundreds of faces, all laughing and jeering and then from the suddenly cold and dark sky a torrential rain of crimson blood. She looked up for a moment and then back to the crowd of cadets, except that now she could only see rivers of blood, filled to the brim with dead starfleet officer, their lifeless eyes all seeming to be turned on her, jeering her even in death. She let out a gasp and started to run, but her path was blocked by the unnumbered dead, all of whom were slowly rising, moving towards her with mouths open and arms outstretched, their silence deafening her.

Her smooth naked skin was now clothed in the slick warmth of fresh blood, her body now stained red with the life of her comrades. She fell, landing face down in the bloody river. As she lay there, unable to move she saw a ghostly shape, a mirror image of herself but long since dead. It rose from the depths of the water and grabbed her, dragging her down, deep, deep, deeper still until the water felt like stone. Her corpse-like self holding her, fondling her body, touching her in ways she had never before experienced, it's ghastly grin etched in her mind.

Then suddenly she was in uniform, a hoard of mechanical men before her, the rest of her team slaughtered, changing, filled with miniature machines that ate away at more then their flesh. She screamed a battle cry and rushed forward her useless rifle held high. one of the creatures grabbed her by the throat, lifting her effortlessly into the air. She felt the cold tubules enter her neck, injecting a vile poison into her body that would soon destroy her soul and leave her, nothing more then an empty husk.

T'var awoke with a muffled scream, the blankets wrapped to tight around her torso she could hardly breath, her night-clothes ripped and tossed aside and her body covered in sweat. She felt a sharp pain in her thigh and felt down, three long scratches marking her skin, she must have cut herself with her own nails as she slept.

She stood and looked around, attempting to figure out how she had made it from the chair to the bed and into her night-clothes. Apparently she had been more drunk then she thought.

She lowered her self into her chair once again, and picked up her book, by an ancient Earth satirist named Terry Pratchett. It always cheered her up, and after the dreams she had just gone through, what T'var needed most was some cheer....


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