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FNN Report / Fleet Watch

Posted on Sun May 2nd, 2010 @ 6:22pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

271 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Seventh Marine HQ, Earth
Timeline: Current


"And now we go to our correspondent at the Seventh Marine Headquarters. Jan can you tell us whats been going on there today?"

"Yes James, it's very busy here. Several senior Marine staff have been seen arriving to meetings here at the Headquarters building. Arriving shortly after news of the attack on Exeter was announced by Federation spokesmen. As usual most of the base has been sealed off with the exception of us here in the press area. So far there has been no comment from any of the staff here yet, but the order has been sent for a response to the situation. It isn't clear yet what that response will be."

"Jan when do you think were going to hear from the staff there."

"I wouldn't expect any response at all James. Major General Ammon Khan is well known for his closed door policy with the media. I don't expect that to change in the future. I would expect that mobilization has already begun, as General Khan has never wasted anytime in quick action to Fleet and Federation directives."

The screen snapped back to the studio. "Thanks Jan for your report. The little news that's coming from the Planet Exeter is grim. The last broadcasts from them spoke of a mass attack and many casualties. Exeter has been a thriving colony for the last Forty years and listed as a completely neutral planet. Many people have family on the planet which has always been a strong source of recruits for Starfleet.

In other news it was reported that Benny Obama was captured outside his hideout this morning....



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