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Puff the Magic Dragon

Posted on Wed May 5th, 2010 @ 10:52am by Lieutenant JG Yuir Sidorov & Commander Raven Adams

957 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Starbase Typhon > Deck 23 > Intelligence Department


All that was in hand was a simple container and a PADD with information on-hand about the attack on the USS Blackhawk. Lieutenant Sidorov was onboard a special transport as his journey back to the Starbase he was recent detached from was coming to a close. Coded, the box was locked to Yuri’s wrist as the doors opened to a buzz of activity onboard the Typhon. Flanking him was a security officer who has since been a lackey of sorts, very impressed with Yuri since his arrival onboard he Hawk.

Sensing that his inquisitive eye would not be welcomed in the Intelligence Department onboard the Starbase, Yuri spoke to him as they walked through the massive hanger towards the corridors.

“Take a break Ensign, I’ll contact you before we leave, grab…†Looking towards a very active food and recreation area, he pointed and added, “…something to eat.†Nodding without question, the young officer moved away as Yuri headed towards the part of the ship, less traveled.

A simple door was what separated a bulk of Starbase as security access beyond this point is very selective. Tactical, Strategic Operations, Intelligence and Security at higher levels were privy to the inner works of Starbase Typhon. Sitting inside of a booth, a security officer looked up from his monitor towards Yuri. All was silent as Yuri’s pass code was quickly entered and accepted. Walking past the guard, he would enter the Intelligence department waiting to meet with the Stations Chief as her help would be appreciated.

Looking around the quite beehive of activity, Yuri was impressed with how efficiently everything seemed to be running.

Raven was deep into looking up stories about Jack the Ripper. Sadly, she was finding the whole investigation quite interesting. She looked up when she heard someone come in. "Hi!" she said cheerfully, storing her data. "What can I do for you, Lieutenant?" she asked.

Yuri had heard about the very intresting nature of CIO of the Starbase. This dragon mess onboard the Blackhawk was the perfect reason to introduce himself to the woman of the night. Placing the container on a conuter as he locked his gaze on her, he smiled as he quickly punched in the code before the shackle unleashed.

"Yes Commander, I'm Lieutenant Yuri Sidorov from the USS Blackhawk. I'll be turning over a detainee after a interview I have scheldue with him." Opening the container, he picked up the slender, closed cylinder and revealed it to her as he continued.

"In the mean time, I figured you'd be intrested in a gelatinous substance that can kock out the power onboard a Federation Starship."

Raven looked at the container and the substance inside it. "What exactly is this, and what did it come from?" she asked.

Yrui looked back before taking a seat and began conversating, “A draconian species vomited this onto several members of our crew and our ships system. The effect on the crew have yet to be determined as they are still in quarantine, but as far as we know, this stuff right here….†Pointing to the vile she was holding, “…knocks out power grids when it comes into contact with them.â€

Leaning back in the chair, Yuri watched her interact with the goo as he thought how interesting it would be to work in the intelligence department.

The more she heard about the goo, the more interested she became. "How does it knock out the power systems? I assume you've had it analyzed. What research do you have on the creature who coughed this up?" The more information she could get, the better, as far as Raven was concerned.

Standing, Yuri raised his arms in response, “Don’t know…†Dropping them, he moved over next to her as he continued. “Information is sketchy at best which is why I’m holding off his release to Federation Intelligence before my interview is complete.†Looking at the PADD on the desk, Yuri took a scoop of the goo, and slabbed it onto the device. It immediately sparked out before powering down.

Dropping the remaining substance back down, Yuri looked at her and continued. “I can make arrangements to have 'em transferred into your custody if you like?â€

Raven pulled out a metal disk and scooped some of the goo onto it. She then put it into a transparent aluminum container. "This will be of great help. I would like a complete report on the creature that produced it as well." She put the container in a small compartment in her computer and looked at Edgar. "Run a complete diagnostic, but don't let it short anything out."

The raven cawed and flapped its wings in acknowledgement.

Yuri looked at her for a few seconds before speaking. “So…will you be needing anything else from me Commander?†He then glanced down at the substance, amazed at it proprieties and curious to one day see its applications once broken down.

"A complete medical and psychological breakdown of the creature that created this goo," she replied. "And video of the creature in action." She paused for a moment, thinking. "How intelligent is it?"

Yuri nodded as he leaned up from the counter and responded. “Warp capable as far as I can tell, but Medical has their hands on him as of now. In a little while, he’ll be all yours.†Walking towards the exit, Yuri exclaimed, “Have fun Commander.â€

Curiouser and curiouser. "Oh, I will, Lieutenant," she assured him. She did like puzzles. As he walked out of her office she picked up the PADD and began to read...


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


Lieutenant (JG) Yuri Sidorvo
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Blackhawk


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