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Posted on Thu May 13th, 2010 @ 7:39am by

208 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Typhon: Rick's Tavern

Morrow was absolutely sloshed.

9 shots of Scotch on the rocks does that to a person.

"Commander Morrow?" A woman asked.

Morrow looked at her, seeing double. A woman, who's black hair was done up in a bun. Her skin was green. Her uniform was similar to his, with 2 gold, and a black pip. She had a grey collar, denoting Starfleet Intelligence.

"Yoooo... arre?" Morrow drunkenly asked.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Ivin'Ishka. I've been assigned as a mission specialist to your vessel." The woman said.

"You are... Orion?" Morrow asked.

The woman nodded. "My file, both the one you will have, regarding my Intel operations of recent, and my "Official" personnel file will be on your desk, aboard the USS Medusa."

"Tomorrow. Tonight, I drink. Drinking is gooooooooood." He said.

The woman sighed.

"Aneris to Kallisti. Two to beam to Sickbay." Aneris whispered into a comm mic, hidden in one of her pips on her collar.

"Energizing." A very similar voice noted.

Morrow dissolved into a transporter whirl. Aneris left the total of the man's bill, and a tip, on the bar-counter, and likewise, dissolved into a whirl of Transporter Energy.


Lieutenant Commander Aneris Ivin'Ishka
Starfleet Intelligence

Commander James Morrow
Commanding Officer,
USS Medusa

NPC'd By:

Ambassador Faron Lenar


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