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Fun In The Sun

Posted on Tue May 11th, 2010 @ 1:04am by Lieutenant Commander Aishel Enor [Blackhawk] & Lieutenant JG Andrew Townsend (USS Blackhawk)

1,708 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Tiberius V

Aishel arrived in the transporter room close to see Tyrone waiting there. He gave her a smile as she walked in. "Nice swimsuit," was all he said.

Enor smirked. "I work out a lot."

Jax walked in with a young man with brown hair, a surfboard under his arm, and a cooler in his hand. "We ready to ride the waves?"

Tyrone nodded, grinning. "Oh yeah. Who's your friend?" The tall former athlete nodded politely to the young man.

Jax smiled. "Andy, this is Tyrone Mitchell, if you watched professional pareses squares before the war then you've heard of him. And this is our department head, Aishel Enor."

Aishel felt the heat of a blush warm her cheeks and looked away nervously. She still couldn't believe she had gotten that drunk.

Nodding to them all, Andy felt somewhat uncomfortable in the commander's presence, especially with what she was wearing - or lack thereof. "Commander Enor and I have met before." He said with a smile, "But it's nice to meet you all, and to be able to get off the ship."

Aishel was suddenly very aware of the fact that all she was wearing was a new halterneck bikini. Her hair may have been down, but still, she was very exposed.

Tyrone looked from one to the other and said, "Is this okay? I mean it's not going to be a problem is it?"

"Oh no! Not at all." Aishel hurried to assure him but she knew it was. She felt very uncomfortable. Once they were on the beach it was worse.

It was a clear summer's day. The beach was not too hot yet warm enough for the water not to chill. With a light breeze ruffling the leaves of the trees, it was paradise.

Sliding his sandels off, Andy held them loosely in one hand, as he took a few steps away frm the group. He had on a light-blue loose T-shirt, and a pair of thin trousers that he had rolled up to the knee. Admittedly, surfing wasn't his forte, but never would he say no to a trip to the beach.

Aishel took her board and set it on end on the ground. She felt very uncomfortable with Townsend here, no matter what she said to the others. Finally, she just decided to confront him.

"Lieutenant." She folded her arms in front of her, rubbing her arms.

Turning to look at the woman, Andy saw the look on her face, and he knew enough about women t know she was either going to talk serious, or slap him. He hoped for the former. "Ma'am?" He asked, responding to her use of his rank and not his name.

"I um...I'm not embarrassed about the sex. It's just...I never let myself get that drunk. That's why I normally don't drink." She looked out over the water. "You seem like a nice enough guy and I'd appreciate it if we could just start over?"

Tilting his head to one side, Andy studied her for a moment, before nodding. "I understand, a woman on the senior staff does not want to get a ... reputation." He said, thinking of the best word. "As for starting over, I would love to have the chance." He found her attractive, whatever anyone else said about his thoughts, he wanted nothing more than whatever she was willing. If that meant friendship, then so be it.

Aishel gave him the first smile since that night on the starbase. The sun came out from behind a cloud and her eyes changed from green to purple. "Then you may have to prove that to me. Come on. Get your suit on. You're going surfing." She grabbed her board. It had been over 100 years since she had been surfing, but the basics were generally the same since then.

Looking at her wide-eyed, Andy pulled his T-shirt off over his head, and lost the pants, showing his swimming trunks under them. "Um, I really should tell you, I've never surfed in my life." He said, looking rather nervous.

Aishel laughed, a pleasant sound. "No time to learn like the present. Come on. Take it under your arm and get out chest deep. I'll come with you."

Once they were out there, her hair was wet and falling over her neck. "Now lay on the board and paddle out there. When you get raised up on a good size wave, stand up and turn the board. It's more a matter of practice than anything else. And you steer with the front of the board."

Staring at the way her hair fell, Andy swallowed trying to take in what she said. "Okay... though please don't laugh if I cock it up." He said, sliding onto the board.

She lifted an eyebrow, still smiling. "I won't. I do expect you to try."

Shaking his head at her, Andy slowly started to paddle. He wondered how in the hell he had been talked into doing this, and glancing over at Aishel, he realised why. The things men do for women. The water started to get a little choppy, but nothing very useful for surfing.

Finally he went up on a large swell, but not a wave. The swells got bigger until there was a wave big enough for any surfer to crave. Seeing the wave, Andy tried to get onto the board but lost his balance, and fell back into the water. Recovering his shock, Andy kicked to the surface, and broke through, looking around for the breach while treading water.

Aishel saw him fall and swam out to him. When she got there, she said, "Come on, we have to get back to shore. It's not good to stay this far out without a board."

Nodding, he broke into a steady stroke for the shore line. "Maybe it's not my thing." He said with a grin, seeing her keeping up with him.

She soon got past him and her toned body was passing him. When they were back on the beach, she found her board washed up onto the beach. "Well, that wasn't a bad first try. Everyone falls the first time. Even Nilani, my fifth host. And she was a professional. Feel well enough to try again, or do you just want to sit down?"

Shaking the water from his hair, Andy scrubbed his hands through it. "I'll try again in a bit. For now, I want to sit and enjoy the weather... you're welcome to join me..." He said with a hopeful smile, giving her a look.

"In a bit. Right now, I want to refresh my memories." She headed out to the waves. Soon she was cutting through the waves and riding the tunnel like a pro. After a bit she came back, panting. Tyrone and Jax joined her.

"That was great!" Jax said. "I had no idea you could surf like that."

"Neither did I." Tyrone was smiling at her, his white teeth standing out clearly.

Aishel shoved her board into the sand and sat down. "I would bow, but I'm beat. And hungry. Did you bring food as well as water?"

Andy nodded towards the cool-box. "All in there. Drinks, snacks, ice blocks." He ried to give her a grin. Sitting down in the sand, he got comfortable and lay back, enjoying the sun and sand.

Jax looked uncomfortable. "I ate them."

Tyrone gave him a look. "Do you ever stop eating?"

Aishel shook her head. "No, and he wouldn't be Jax if he did. Guy's a damn bottomless pit." She stood up and grabbed a water, walking off.

"You need any help with the sun lotion." Andy called after her. "Give me a shout. I'm told I can work wonders with my hands."

She raised a hand to show that she had heard. She stopped a few yards a way and began to drink her water, looking out over the surf.

Tyrone rounded on Jax. "Good going, Jax. You're not the only one that's hungry." The big black man's stomach gave a loud rumble just then.

Jax shrugged. "Sorry. I just got hungry before we left the ship and ate them."

Andy chuckled and shook his head. "I had a pet dog when I was young. If you left out any food, he'd get it. Pretty good at cleaning plates though." He grinned at the two of them. "Just saying..."

Jax scowled at Andy. "I'm like yer dog?" His accent was getting thicker now that he was getting angry.

"Aw, blow it out your ass, Jax. Come on, let's get Enor and get some chow. I know a great place on the promenade of the station."

Rising to his feet, Andy liked the sound of that. "So, you've known the Commander long?" He asked, letting a gaze slide to her, as she stood a little apart from them gazing out at the ocean.

Tyrone smiled. "About three years. We served together on a joint mission and have kept in touch. I was a petty officer then. But they decided that since I was doing such a good job and had a better head than some of the Academy brats, they made me an officer." He raised a long arm. "Hey, Aishel! Let's get some chow!"

Aishel heard him and came over to him. "Let me get my shorts on." She pulled on a pair of shorts that came down to her mid thigh. She had long legs so they were probably longer on other women.

Jax had been looking and he smirked. "Nice shorts, ma'am," he said as he pulled on a tshirt. Tyrone smacked him.

"Thanks you don't have a bad body yourself. But Tyrone's got you beat by a long shot."

Sliding into his light-weight pants and T-shirt, Andy chuckled at the easy banter between them. "I dunno, Commander. Think you win Gold on body's here." He said with a grin.

Watching the others gather their things, Aishel smiled and put her commbadge on her shorts, tapping it. "Enor to Blackhawk. Four to beam up."


LCdr Aishel Enor
Chief Engineer
USS Blackhawk

LtJG Andy Townsend
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Blackhawk

LtJG Brian 'Jax' Jackson
Ens Tyrone Mitchell
NPC'd by: Enor


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