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Help From Unwanted Corners

Posted on Fri May 14th, 2010 @ 2:46am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

298 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Marine CO's Office
Timeline: Directly after Concerns


Wilhelm was just done talking with Lt. Colonel Purr when his computer started beeping with an incoming message. Seeing that the message was not routed through Marine Operations left him a little mystified. Answering the message Wilhelm immediately regrets answering it.

"Willi how's it going out there on Typhon?" Rear Admiral Alexei Suvorov of Starfleet Intelligence, Wilhelm's old boss, says with a grin of someone who owes a favor.

"Admiral. Ohh fine sir. Can't say I expected to hear from you for awhile." Wilhelm responds with an unamused expression then continues. "What can I do for you?"

"It's not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you. I actually have a little present for you...." Suvorov says then hits a control off-screen.

In front of Wilhelm images of a urban area begin to appear with emphasis on AA weapons and vehicles, troops and what looked like a pair of Breen built tanks. Also, beginning to show were thermal and geological scans along with other information. "This was taken not more than 12 hours ago by cloaked drone recon. I think you could use this." Suvorov says while widening his smile then continuing, "Scans show a minimum of TWO Breen Companies, can't tell if they're regulars or privateers, then upwards of at least one thousand assorted troops throughout the city and surrounding area."

Wilhelm quickly makes copies of the info and sends it to his XO and operation's staff. "So your going to be giving me this info free and clear?" Wilhelm says with a quizzical look on his face

"Actually, I need you and your men to pull a little side job...." Suvorov says smirkingly.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Rear Admiral Alexei Suvorov
Starfleet Intelligence


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