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Posted on Sun May 9th, 2010 @ 2:40am by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,139 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Marine CO's Office
Timeline: current

[Marine CO's Office]

After the staff meeting M'Eow followed the Colonel back into his office. She was seriously worried about him at this point. As soon as the doors had closed she roared, "Are you out of your mind? This isn't some Cardassian-infested Dominion world where it doesn't matter how much we leave standing once we're through there! Those families down there are on our side. We have a duty to liberate them with as few civilian casualties as we can. If that makes our attack riskier, if that means we're going to expose our guys to more danger, then so be it. We have a duty to protect the civilians, that's why we're wearing these uniforms, that must be our first priority!"

Wilhelm looked at his furious XO and said, "Listen Lieutenant Colonel. This isn't the Caitian Militia. This is, for the most part a GREEN Marine Regiment. I know my duty just as well as you and I will NOT risk my unit in a scattered, decentralized and piecemeal attack. Maybe if this unit was actually battle-tested I would be more inclined to your more 'aggressive' strategy. However, my way, will hopefully draw the enemy out of their protective buildings and streets to protect their line of retreat at the spaceport plus a direct attack on the other side of them. When you drop into the city center with the Second you can raise all the merry hob you want."

"Only that this will not work", M'Eow said. "They're going to dig in because they know that we won't shoot at civilian targets. We'll have to go into urban warfare, the messiest kind, trying to clear building for building. If we insert in multiple locations in a surprise attack, we can disrupt their communications from the start, to make sure they don't know which sectors are still theirs and which ones are ours. They won't be able to put up a coordinated defence and we can get them before they have a chance to do even more harm to the civilian population. That's the only way."

She paced in front of the desk, unhappy. "Don't press a desperate foe too hard, leave them the chance to retreat from the space port. That's where the majority of their heavy equipment is. If they find they're not going to win they will try to escape, which is good because if they do that they won't be harming any of the civilian population. We can shoot them down once they're in orbit, much more effective. If we cut off their chance to retreat we'll only infuse them with the courage of desperation. They'll dig in, possibly take hostages, and it'll be harder to get them out than it is to persuade a Vulcan to crack a smile!"

Wilhelm responded, "All right I'll give you that point about the space port. I guess we'll use the Third's companies to go in with the Second but by assault shuttle. I'm still doing a directed attack with the First along with the HQ Company though. That's as far as I'm moving on that point. At least one directed attack will focus the enemy's attention on the attack while two thirds of our unit is raising Kane with the rear area. Who knows the First might just start the stampede for the spaceport."

M'Eow thought about that proposition for a bit. He'd be twenty kilometres out, she'd be inserting right into the city. She could have the city taken by the time he got there. It worked for her. "Just don't fire at the city with any heavy weapons, you'll be targeting us and the civilians more than the enemy."

"Ohhh I wouldn't worry about that. You just worry about those mercs and the Breen that'll be swarming all over the place. Just remember to stay mobile and not pinned down until the First shows up." Wilhelm said.

"Maybe we can have a parade going for the time you'll arrive", M'Eow replied. "I fully intend to have the entire settlement under control at that point."

"Now don't get overconfident with that aggressive attitude. Never, ever, underestimate an opponent no matter how ragtag they may seem. Hopefully, by the time it's over we'll be lucky to get away with no more than 15 percent casualties and a quarter of our heavy equipment smashed." Wilhelm said.

M'Eow grumbled. "Yes, a frontal assault where the enemy can see you coming for twenty kilometres will to that sort of thing."

"At least we'll keep their attention diverted to us, while you swoop in and seize the objectives. Which will be an extensive list by the way... Anyways all of these arguments might be for nothing anyway. We might get there and scans will make us change our plans entirely. Speaking of which, I need to have a go have a chat with Captain Vickers of the Gladius." Wilhelm said then continued. "Will that be all M'Eow?"

"I still think you're making a mistake", M'Eow replied. "I understand you're young and you're hoping to earn battle honours as a Commander. But heading directly for the thickest part of the fence may be gallant, but it also gets you killed."

"You just worry about your own phase of the assault. Like I said, plans might change depending on the circumstances. You might not even be going in like you think anyways." Wilhelm replied tactfully.

"You've had time to come up with this plan", M'Eow said. "And it worries me what you might come up with when you don't have time to plan ahead."

"Well I'm a firm believer in the old axiom: 'No plan survives first contact with the enemy.' and right now we are keeping to the same plan unless our next to NO intel is updated on site or through other means. In the meantime go get the Second Battalion simmed and ready for combat. " Wilhelm said in a heavier accent.

M'Eow nodded. At least that she could agree with. "I will. Oh, and one more thing. The single worst casualty rate I've had in my career, with troops under my command, was 18%, and that was on Betazed taking on a garrison of Jem'Hadar soldiers. Expecting to be lucky with 15% against mercenaries, I can't accept that."

"The worst I've had in that same war was 72 percent and that was because we got cutoff on some slime ball in space for three months. If the Fleet didn't show up when they did we would've surrendered.... Now see to your men. Dismissed." Wilhelm said lowering his head at dragging up that memory then turned toward a PADD.

M'Eow left the office, considering her option. Most of them were not pretty.

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Lieutenant Colonel M'Eow Purr [NPC]
Marine Detachment Deputy Commander


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