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Scheduling in Science

Posted on Wed Dec 30th, 2009 @ 11:10pm by Commander Lucas Jackson

479 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Science Department Main Offices
Timeline: Within the 12-Hour Check-List Notice

Amidst all of the builders and engineers that still occupied the main offices, along with most of the other science sections on the ship, Lieutenant Commander Jackson attempted to have a conversation with his secretary. A somewhat petite women, Lieutenant Laura Monroe was the person you couldn't live without. She writes schedules, keeps track of assignments, organizes databases, among many other things.

"Alright...You heard the Captain...We have 12 hours to create a check-list and sign-off on as many areas as possible."

Laura gave a laugh of amusement. "You can't honestly expect us to cover everything in 12 hours...There's over a hundred various science areas aboard the ship...You wouldn't even be able to spend more than a couple minutes in each place. Figure in commuting time, and this will be nearly impossible...Sir."

"Well, we better get moving then. Of course we're not going to be able to get much done. I mean, what were the numbers you told me earlier? One in every twenty science sections are complete and ready for sign-off." Luke spoke calmly, with a grin on his face. He enjoyed being in charge and getting to make the rules...Or at least for one of the biggest sections on the ship.

He continued, "I mean, Engineering doesn't even have as much ground left to cover...There's no way we're going to follow exactly what the captain had in mind. However, we must do our best to entertain him...We have to get something running. So, what sections have reported in for approval?"

Lieutenant Monroe sighed, but she still complied. As she looked down at a PADD, she began reading off names, "Out of the Astronomical Sciences, only most of Main Astrometrics is complete. They are still awaiting the viewscreens. They were too large and precious to be delivered with the other cargo. The builders say that they will be here in the next couple of days."

Lucas looked at a clock and new they were losing precious time, so he tried to urge the Lieutenant along. "I enjoy your in-depth reports, but can we try to shorten the reports? No offense, but precious time is flying by us."

Laura glared up from her PADD. "Alright. Chemical Sciences reports Thermochemistry Lab 1 and Spectroscopy, plus the adjoining Spectrometry Labs, are complete. The Physics department reports that the Cryogenics Lab and Cryogenics Chambers 1 through 3 are complete. Main Cartographics is in the same state as Main Astrometrics. The Environmental Sciences and Life Sciences divisions report no completions. AI Lab 1 is ready for sign-off. The Anthropology Department—"

Luke couldn't take it any longer. "You know what? Why don't you stop there...That's enough to start with. We'll look up more as we go...Right now we just better get started."


Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Laura Monroe (NPC)
Chief Science Secretary
USB Typhon


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