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Attention All Hands

Posted on Wed Dec 30th, 2009 @ 4:31am by Commodore Edward Fannin

161 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Main Control, USB Typhon
Timeline: Current


Fannin got the nod he was "live", The operations Officer made the Attention all hands call as Ed sat down in the large console chair...

"This is Captain Fannin... a few announcements are in order. I have just received a message from Fleet command that this Starbase is operational. The second shall be your first priority, All equipment for this Starbase is here. You have to find it and get it to where you will need it. All sections have been color coded. They even match your uniforms....The location are now on your padds. I need you to find it and get it were it needs to be. Start now I expect problems so lets be careful and get this done. Above all work together. you have 12 hours. That is all."

The bridge staff looked at Ed as if he lost his mind. He was smiling. "I'll be in my quarters."


Captain Ed Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon"


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