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Redjac Revisited

Posted on Thu May 20th, 2010 @ 10:45am by Commander Raven Adams

523 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Intel Office
Timeline: Current


After her encounter with Rear Admiral Stone, Raven had kept a watchful eye on the information coming in and out of security. She had hoped someone from security would have come to her to help with research, but so far she had officially heard nothing.

That didn't stop her, though. She felt that, since Stone had thought it important enough to mention to her, it was important enough for her to look into it.

What she found was… disturbing. More than disturbing. Horrific.

It wasn't just that the women had been murdered, but HOW they'd been murdered. Throats slit, disemboweled… Much like something she'd read about as a child.

Raven began to search through her database of literature. Edgar Allen Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert Louis Stephenson, Stephen King. She quickly passed them, knowing she wasn't looking for a fictional killer. Then she remembered. Jack. Red jack. The Whitechapel Murders. That was it.

"You're slipping, Raven," she told herself. He'd left a deep impression on her young psyche. Five victims in Whitechapel. Perhaps another six besides....

Had someone tried to copy Jack the Ripper on the starbase? She looked at her AI in the corner. "Edgar, check the database, historic files. Jack the Ripper. Red Jack. Method of. See if there are other references to similar mass killings."

Edgar preened his feathers as he searched. It didn't take long. "ON Earth:
1888 – 1891 (Jack the Ripper): Seventeen women in London, Great Britain.
1932: Seven women in Shanghai, China.
1974: Five women in Kiev, USSR
2105: Eight women in the Martian Colonies, Mars.
2156: Ten murders in Helopolis on Alpha Eridani II.
2207 (Kesla): Tem murders on Deneb II.
2266 (Beratis): Five women on RIgel IV.
2267 Hengist): Three murders on Argelius II.

Edgar flew onto the desk and continued. "Non-corporeal entity known as Redjac was found to be the true killer by Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. Entity was scattered by a transporter and left to die."

Edgar shook his head. "Later murders have shown a similar pattern which may indicate Redjac did not die.
2272 (Nancy Bryce): Eight murders on the USS Enterprise.
2312: Four murders on Tyrannus Prime.
2354: Six murders on Ivel III.
2387: Three murders on Starbase Typhon.
All appear to be committed by the same entity."

Raven had all the dates and places listed on her screen before her. It looked very much like the same murderer. All the victims had their throats slit first. Most were subsequently mutilated. All were brutal and bloody.

"Great," she said to the bird. "We either have Redjac, another of his species, or a copycat. Send all the data to Commander Darkmoon and to Admiral Stone," she said quietly. She loved a good horror story, but this was too much even for her.

"Is there any way to detect the creature?"

"None as yet."

Edgar confirmed her fears with those three words. Of course not. If he could be found by a scanner he would have been caught long ago.

Raven waited for the message to be sent, then headed to her quarters. She was not going to sleep well that night.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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