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Posted on Thu May 20th, 2010 @ 3:14am by Commander Basil Hart

242 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: space station morgue
Timeline: present


Surik suited up and prepared to begin the autopsy on the three female victims before him. As he drew back the sheet, what he saw shocked him. He took a breath to steady himself, and then began.

"Computer, begin recording. First victim examined Stardate 64978.3: victim is female, approximately 23 years of age. Initial observation suggests that the victim has been eviscerated by means of two incisions made in her abdomen, one vertically and one horizontally. Her face has been repeatedly lacerated in her jaw was fractured in two places. Her upper torso has also been mutilated, and is almost unrecognizable. Bruising around the throat indicates a possible attempt at strangulation before the time of death, but her throat has been cut, severing the carotid artery. There are several puncture wounds in the upper thighs of the victim indicating multiple stabbings. Probable cause of death: loss of blood. Computer, stop recording."

Basil sighed and shook his head. He'd been a doctor for quite some time, and seeing dead bodies before, but nothing could compare with the gruesome brutality with which this woman had been slaughtered. "Who does this guy think he is, Jack the Ripper?"

The realization hit him like a stun grenade. "We have a serial copycat killer on the loose! I need to get this to security as soon as possible!" He hastily covered up the victim's mutilated corpse and headed for Security.

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Starbase Typhon


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