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Deep Fried Gagh and Chips

Posted on Wed Jun 9th, 2010 @ 7:41am by

641 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Promenade

"Welcome to Crabby Bob's Crab Shack!" Came a rather peppy almost southern-north American accented voice, as she entered the place.

"What do you want?" Alexandria asked.

"Woah. Slow down there, little lady." 'Crabby Bob' said. "I'm just here to serve you food.

"I am told that this place will deep fry nearly anything." Alexandria said.

'Crabby Bob' nodded. "That's our motto. It ain't done died, if it ain't deep fried. You have something special you want me to try?"

Alexandria handed him a strange vase-shaped box, made of woven wood. He opened it up.

"What the hell kind of varmint is that?" Crabby bob asked.

"It is called Gagh. It is a Klingon dish." Alexandria noted.

"It's live." Crabby bob noted.

Alexandria nodded. "That is how it is meant to be prepared, like Crab."

"If I remember correctly, them thar critters are supposed to be eaten raw." Crabby bob said. "Not that I won't give it a try."

Alexandria smiled. Something that Bob was almost willing to suspect was impossible.

"How much will you charge?" She asked.

Bob shrugged. "10 Credits. Not including drinks. I'll throw in a side of French Fries."

Alexandria nodded, and handed him the box.

"You don't... uh... exactly have the forehead to be eating this stuff." Bob noted.

From behind Alexandria's legs, stepped a small Klingon infant with red hair. Perhaps 5 years old.

"It is not for me." Alexandria noted. "It is for the little one."

Bob looked up at her, somewhat surprised. "And what will you have?"

"The Red Brew platter please." Alexandria said, looking at the menu. "But can you make it thick?"

"Lady, the red brew platter is thicker than most salsas. It's only called a drink because it's got a good alcoholic content to it." Bob noted.

"Acceptable." Alexandria said with a nod. "Where do we sit?"

Bob shrugged. "Here, there, wherever someone else isn't. Since it's 9 AM, and we just opened the doors, there's no one here yet, so go nuts."

Alexandria nodded, and sat down at the table nearest her, with the little Klingon-appearing child sitting on her lap.

"So who are you kid-sitting for?" Bob asked, as he emptied the basket of Gagh into a deep fryer.

"I am not." Alexandria noted. "This is my daughter, N'tasha. We are waiting for a USS Calypso to take on crew, so we can get to our new home in the stars."

"Home in the stars? Don't y'all have a place on a planet somewhere you'd be welcome?" Bob asked.

Alexandria nodded. "London, Earth. Or the factory my sister runs in Morgan, Utah. Or the Kov'n Estate on Qo'noS." She shrugged. "That is irrelevant. My duty comes first."

"Your duty?" Bob asked, curious.

"First, to my child, to raise her as a Warrior should be raised. Second, to raise other people's children as a Warrior should be raised." Alexandria said simply.

Bob looked perplexed. "You want to elaborate on that a little?"

Alexandria nodded. "I am the Master-at-Arms. I train nearly every single Security Officer, and some non-security officers in hand-to-hand combat, and phaser skills, on the ship I am aboard. It makes my soul sing."

Bob shook his head, and heard the buzzer for the various deep fryers. As he finished preparing his patron's meals, he brought them to the table, and still shaking his head, asked her about her sanity.

"Sanity is for professionals to judge. Provided I do not dismember them." Alexandria said.

"Lady, I think you spent far, far, far too long among the Klingons." Bob said, as he left.

"Only two years." Alexandria retorted, with a chipper-sound to her voice.

Bob shook his head, and waited for the two to finish, and leave.


Chief Warrant Officer Alexandria Winchester
USS Calypso

Crabby Bob
Owner, Operator, Cook, Janitor, Accountant, and Barkeep
Crabby Bob's Crab Shack, Starbase Typhon


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