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Great First Impressions

Posted on Wed Jun 9th, 2010 @ 8:13am by

1,033 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Typhon's Diplomatic Forest

Alexandria looked about the forest. It was a working enough illusion.

"There are no bugs here." N'tasha said. "Someone killed them all."

"Well that's a disturbing train of thought for someone who is 5 years old." Came an old, weathered-sounding voice from behind them.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Alexandria asked.

Ambassador Lenar laughed, as he stepped out from a small ante-room. The vines concealed the entry way he stepped out of, as the doors closed.

"I am the keeper of this forest. Mind telling my why you are letting your little one eat my flowers?" Ambassador Lenar said.

"She is Klingon." Alexandria countered. It was good enough for her.

"And she is damaging UFP Embassy property." Faron countered. "Ambassador Lenar, at your service."

"Bah. Ambassador." N'tasha said.

Alexandria neither corrected, not disagreed with the sentiment.

Faron stooped down to see N'tasha eye-to-eye. "Hab SoSlI' Quch!" He said, making sure to get the intonations right.

"Damn straight." N'tasha said.

"Quite the mouth on that one." Faron said.

Alexandria decked him. "You leave her, and my lack of forehead ridges out of this, or I will kill you where you kneel."

"You are far too Klingon for my tastes." Faron noted.

Alexandria drew a switchblade. Faron had not anticipated this. He simply lifted his walking stick into a defensive position.

"NEUTRAL CORNERS!" Came an unexpected, but very annoyed voice. "I see one more unfriendly move, and I'm involving base Security."

Faron turned, and saw a Trill man standing there. Security Gold. Lieutenant. "Mister Jaxara, I presume?"

"Shut it, Civilian. I said Neutral Corners." The business end of Lorne's phaser, set on wide-beam dispersal, was pointed more or less in the direction of the woman, rather than the Ambassador.

The woman dropped her blade, and the little one dropped what appeared to be an Earth Swiss Army knife. No questions asked.

"I'm Ambassador Lenar, Lieutenant Jaxara. I was supposed to tell you-" Faron started.

"Shut it. She's under my department. Unless you want a formal letter of reprimand on your desk tomorrow, after you deliberately baited her into attacking you, I suggest you let me handle this, and back right off. You have something to tell me? Leave a message." Jaxara noted.

Faron took a step towards him.


Faron held up his hands, and stepped back. "Fair enough. Your sister-"

"I don't give a damn about my sister right now. I've got to stop my Master-at-Arms from dissecting a living Federation Ambassador. Will you PLEASE leave?" Jaxara growled.

"And I'm the Klingon one?" Alexandria asked.

Jaxara shot her a rather unpleasant look, which actually spooked N'tasha.

"I'm getting tired of this. Either you leave me to deal with her, and you two keep your mouths shut, or I'll have you both arrested, and you can deal with formal charges!" Jaxara said, no longer growling, but yelling in a rather exasperated tone of voice. "I'm in no mood to deal with either of your bovine scatology!"

"Our what?" N'tasha asked.

"Don't ask." Faron said, shaking his head. "I'm going. I'm going."

Jaxara lowered his phaser, once Faron left.

"Chief Warrant Officer Winchester. I've been looking for you. You sure make a great first impression." Jaxara said.

"That's quite the entry you make there." Alexandria noted.

"That's the entry I make when I see someone threatening someone else. Especially with some form of weapon. Be happy I didn't just stun the lot of you, and drag you down to Base Security." Jaxara countered.

"Why didn't you? That's what I would have done." Alexandria said.

"Because you are listed as an active crew member of the USS Calypso, and I don't want to have to explain to Commander York why I had to bail the Master-at-Arms out of Base Security's brig prior to her showing up for active duty." Jaxara said. "I've had problems enough explaining recent events to her, and I'm getting tired of it."

N'tasha looked up at him. "You yell too loud!"

"I assume your demon-spawn is coming aboard as well?" Jaxara asked.

Alexandria actually laughed at that. "She is not that bad."

"Is she at least house broken? I don't want to have to explain the aftermath of a feral klingon child to the Commander. She's already annoyed enough with the entirety of the Security department." Jaxara said, rather annoyed.

"Yes, she is, damn it. Now can this inquisition end?" Alexandria growled.

"NO, It can not. You will answer my questions, as I ask them, or I will drag you, and your infant down to Starbase Typhon's brig, and recommend to Commander York that you two be left behind!" Jaxara said. "I know you think it's not a big thing, but that was a UFP Ambassador you nearly got in a knife fight with!"

Alexandria looked down. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I just don't know how to deal with people that well."

Jaxara shook his head. "Just get you, and your little demon-spawn onto the Calypso, and don't cause any trouble. I have family matters to attend to, and then I need you to personally handle a great deal of both hand-to-hand and phaser-related combat retraining."

"Define 'a great deal'." Alexandria said.

"Half the crew of a Galaxy class Starship." Lorne said, as he collected the two knives, and began walking in the direction of a turbo-lift. "Well, come on. I think it best that I escort you off this base, before you get in another fight."

Alexandria sighed. "Hell of a first impression, huh?"

Lorne shrugged. "I like you better than the Lounge manager of the Calypso, and the Federation Ambassador. That's a start."

N'tasha stuck her tongue out at him.

Alexandria did the same.

Lorne shrugged. "Let's get out of here, before the Ambassador decides to call Security, and press charges."


Lieutenant Lorne Jaxara
Chief Security and Tactical Officer
USS Calypso

Chief Warrant Officer Alexandria Winchester
USS Calypso

N'tasha Kov'n
USS Calypso

Ambassador Faron Lenar
UFP Ambassador
UFP Embassy, Starbase Typhon


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