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Duty Never Ends

Posted on Tue Jun 15th, 2010 @ 5:56am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,100 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Control Center

Anna was looking over the readings from the weather net from Tiberius V and was satisfied things were finally under control again. Now if there was such an easy solution to the bigger problem they were facing on the ship. She had taken to having a phaser with her everywhere she went and she wouldn't let Jana go anywhere unescorted. Jana of course wasn't thrilled about this but understood once Anna had explained why. Anna moved over and poured a cup of coffee from her coffee pot and added the Irish Creme flavoring to it before sitting down and grabbing the next report to read.

"It looks like our Marines will be leaving us very soon, I've been watching them load that troop ship for hours."

Anna nodded, "I saw the latest reports on that. Do we know how long they will be gone?" She asked.

Fannin grabbed a cup of coffee and sat on the couch. "Reports I'm getting state that It seems to be a real mess, most of the messages Fleets getting are subject to great exaggeration by panicked citizens. I did see that the Federation has called up more troops, several more Regiments actually."

Anna nodded then sipped her coffee, "Also I was wondering." She said, "Not that I mind the duties of XO but do we have any word on when he might be returning?" Anna asked, "I thought he would be back by now."

"No word on the commander yet, I have heard that he's been very busy the last few months, I'll have to send a message and see if I can get a grip on what his status is."

Anna nodded once more, "I'll help in any capacity I can for as long as I'm needed." Then sighed, "Any progress on our security problem?" She asked.

"If your talking about the murders, no. I've been advised that our security department has been working around the clock on the issue and now medical and the chief counselor are assisting."

"I was talking about that and hopefully they can shed some light on things soon. I've been watching internal sensors more closely for any activity out of the ordinary and haven't seen anything so far. Jana is getting frustrated because I insist on walking her to and from school or that she have someone with her at least. I've also taken to keeping a phaser on me just in case." Anna said.

"I would say that's a wise decision considering the nature of the victims so far. Commander Darkmoon has given me assurances that children, especially children shall be protected at all costs."

"She grew up in a small town where everyone looked out for everyone else. She hasn't had to worry much about anything this big. I'm just trying to protect her." Anna said.

"I can't blame you for that at all. I have concerns for all aboard right now. The sadistic murderer evades all our attempts of capture. I hope soon we shall get a break in the case, I don't need another victim on the station."

"I can't loose her too. Not right now." Anna said. "So she will just have to deal with me being overly protective."

"She's a bright young girl, if you explain that to her I'm sure she will understand clearly the actions you have taken."

"She understands, she just doesn't want big sister around 'cramping her style' as she tries to make friends here." Anna said with a laugh.

"I was going to ask you if you had the time to check out the Thor and the Odin. They will be departing shortly with the marines to Exeter."

"I made sure they were ready when I heard they would be going out. I've done as much testing as I can without taking them out on a test run." Anna answered.

"if you have checked them out I'm sure their in fine shape Anna. The Seventh Marines are getting settled into Camp Stonebreaker. I'll have to get down there and see how their doing and meet the new camp Commander."

"When you want to go just let me know so I can be sure the station doesn't fall a part." Anna said with a smile.

Fannin laughed, "I think this hunk of steel would survive most anything. I'm hoping things will settle down after the Marines depart."

"I take better care of things around here than that." Anna grinned, "I just meant I would like to know when I'm completely in charge."

"That's no problem, Your the second officer here on the station Anna. That gives you the authority to act as it's captain at any time you see the need when I'm not available or cannot be reached. On a station this size the command authority must be present at all times. I keep hours on the bridge usually eight or better, some times I'll roll out and about to see the crew and check a few of the departments but not often needed with this crew."

"I try to keep checks with the departments as well though I don't visit them as much as I should." Anna said.

"It's a busy job to keep all happy at times and not enough time in a day for one officer to get everything done, your doing fine."

"I just don't always feel like it though." Anna said, "I'm glad you think so though."

"The focus is always on the crew as a CO, the crew can take good care of the station. If we take care of the crew we'll have smooth sailing for the most part."

"I can see that, we need to be approachable or what good is it?" Anna said with a smile.

"Considering all the issues at hand I believe the overall condition of the station is excellent. That's due to the support of the staff and crew."

"There were a few rough patched when I first arrived but I would have to agree. We have a great staff." Anna said with a smile.

"Know worries here, I fear for the Marines, I'll be sending them off soon. This shall be their first offensive. It will be a major challenge for them. I'm planning officers call before they depart."

"I'm sure they will do fine sir. This is what they have been training for after all." Anna said with smile. "I will let you get back to work and if anything comes up I will let you know." She said.

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer

Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer


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