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Project Nine

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2010 @ 7:29pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

317 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Tiberious V
Timeline: Current


It had been six hours since the tunnel collapse. The tunnel in question was going to be a risk, all the operators knew that. But they just weren't prepared for it. Nance was glad no one had been killed in the collapse. And was distressed at the delay in digging out some of the larger equipment. Randy Hampton was the senior seismic coordinator, and he had warded them all about a possible problem in the deer strata the rock formation. Nance pushed ahead and soon found out Hampton was correct. Corporate was contacted and seemed nonplussed as there were no fatalities and they were still on schedule.

Seven hundred feet down the main tunnel crews continued to pour the concrete forums for the containment facility. It was five hundred feet wide and almost half a mile long. The roof of the structure would be last and made of Three inch thick Plasti steel that was as transparent as air. Gene didn't know what was going in this tunnel, and didn't want to.. Thousands of various compartments twenty feet high with several replicators on top. no doors or hatchways what so ever. A prison, but for what? He shook his head and moved the speeder along to check the other tunnels. "H" was his favorite. The largest holodeck in he'd ever seen. It was surrounded by labs of every size and shape. The workup had already begun and many science team were secretly setting up their areas. Those guys were a pain. Constantly complaining about one thing or another. Several of them were critically injured in a small electrical explosion last week setting up a large current containment field.

It wouldn't be much longer for the new tunnel to be cleared. He needed to call corporate and let them know he was approaching phase Two of the project.


Commander Gene Nance (NPC by Fannin)
Project Nine


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