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Camp Stone Breaker visit

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2010 @ 7:28am by Commodore Edward Fannin

551 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Numerous
Timeline: Current


Edward got an early start. The first watch hadn't be to post yet as his Danube cleared the shuttle bay doors. His pilot greeted the newly frocked Commodore as he boarded the air craft. He had sent a message that morning to the commander of the Sixth Marines at camp Stonebreaker to let him know he was stopping by. The flight was very pleasant and Edwards pilot was very skilled. There were several Marines catching a lift to the fire base, but they were in the seats behind him and kept pretty quiet.

The landing flawless, as expected. He popped out the door and was greeted by Several Marines.

"Welcome to camp Stonebreaker." The small but solid marine was older with a sunburn that had to come from a hot desert somewhere.

"I'm colonel Rolf, Sixth Marines. This is Major Adkins my number Two"

Fannin shook hands all around. "Great to have the Sixth with us." Fannin was very glad indeed considering all of his marines were pulling out for Exeter.

Rolf lead Edward to the command post for some refreshments and a tour of the main compound. "I was on my way to starbase Ronin when I got the call. Really wasn't prepare for planetside. I'm hoping to get a few extra buildings put up to get my men out of the weather."

Fannin was sipping his coffee. "How many marines do you have?"

"I have Nine hundred Sir, only lodging for Five hundred here at the camp."

Edward put his cup down and walked to the bank of communications equipment and grabbed a padd. Several seconds later he handed the padd to the young Marine manning the equipment. "Sergeant, please send that to Typhon for me, priority message." he turned to colonel Rolf. "Your building will be on there way in a few hours if we're real lucky. I'm glad the weather hasn't been bad here yet."

Colonel Rolf was smiling. "I've kept the patrols out to keep them busy, it's a brand new unit so there's a lot of training to be done. They'll appreciate the barracks I'm sure Sir."

"Don't worry I promise not to spoil them to much. I'm very glad your here. I know your men would rather be moving to Exeter."

"The Sixth hasn't been cleared for combat readiness just yet. Most of these Marine are right out of boot camp. Eager but very green. I'll give them a week or so of training and they may survive a good scrap"

Fannin nodded. "Colonel, I'll need your unit to spread out and continue to recon this continent . The 21st only had a regiment stationed here. They were tasked with building the camp and what few roads that are to be had here. Explore and train your men. Your unit is the sole inhabitants of this continent , so you won't be bothering anyone at all."

The meeting and tour went on for most of the morning and it was time for Fannins next stop, He was hoping the building came quickly as he didn't look like a fool making promises he couldn't keep.. He boarded the shuttle and waved to the Marines as he departed. It would be a long hot summer for the Sixth Marines.


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer, SB Typhon


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