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Making up is Hard to do

Posted on Sat Jul 17th, 2010 @ 5:34am by Commander Ian Casey & Captain Anna Johnson

632 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Operations
Timeline: Day after Trouble in Paradise

Ian made a quick stop at one of the shops on the Promenade then hurried to the lift. A few minutes later he stepped into Ops and paused to look around for Anna.

Anna was at the main ops station with her usual mug in hand. She glanced up and saw Ian there and went back to work on her station.

Ian saw Anna and walked over to her. "Anna, will you please talk to me?" he asked her.

"Why should I talk to you after what you did?" Anna asked. "I trusted you, I told you things I don't tell most people and what did you do? You proved to me that all men are alike."

"Anna, that's not true," Ian said to her. "I cared about you. I still do."

"Supposedly so did my father. It didn't keep him from beating me though did it?" Anna said and she moved from the open operations area to her office deciding if they were going to have this discussion she'd rather it be in private. She moved over and filled her cup and added cream before turning to face him again.

"Please, Anna," Ian said to her. "Give me a chance to make it up to you." He paused and pulled his arm from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of lilies. "I brought these for you," he said, holding them out to her.

"If you are going to make up with someone maybe it should be the person you actually succeeded in sleeping with." Anna said not reaching for the flowers. In fact the she had been pushing down the hurt she felt since the night of the party. It was now making its way out since he was in front of her again. A tear fell down her face and she quickly wiped it away and turned away from him.

"Anna, please," he said again, taking a step closer. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

"You can't make it up to me." Anna said not turning to face him. Tears were falling freely down her face and she would not turn to let him see it. "You destroyed the trust I had for you. That isn't fixable by saying I'm sorry because honestly how can I know you really mean it now?"

"Because I'm willing to do anything it takes," he said to her. "What will it take?"

Anna shook her head, "I can't Ian. You slept with her and you almost got me to do the same. I don't want to have to compete for your attention." She swallowed hard and took a deep staggered breath that gave away the fact she was crying.

Ian wanted to comfort her but he didn't want to hurt her again. He nodded, though she couldn't see it. He set the flowers on the desk, turned and left the office.

Anna turned when she heard the doors close. He had been listening to what she said that day he brought her lilies her favorite flower. The tears fell again and she swallowed hard then threw them across the room before she crumpled to the floor and sobbed. She hadn't let out the hurt she felt she had been pushing it all away, pretending she didn't hurt like she always did. Something she had learned to do so that her father hurt her less if she didn't show the hurt it took away his pleasure. She really loved him but how could she give him her heart again?

Ian heard something hit the door and he paused. He considered going back but decided the best thing he could do would be to give her time to calm down. He looked around at the others then hurried out of the office.


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