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Now, that's a long rap sheet

Posted on Sat Aug 14th, 2010 @ 11:23pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon

763 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Main Security
Timeline: Current


The Trill boy walked into the Starbase Security center, without incident.

Therese T'vanna frowned, as she shoved him.

"We've got a stowaway. Not cleared by Federation customs." She said, without preamble.

Krang gave T'vanna a sharp look as he saw her push the kid. "Take it easy." he snapped "No need to be shoving the kid." He stood and walked around to the front of the desk and leaned against it. "Do you have a name son?"

"Bennet." The kid said. He didn't elaborate, or say anything.

"No need to be shoving the kid. Right. He only tore apart a third of the arboretum on the Diplomatic deck, and sprayed various words in Trill, all over the walls. That'll take a week to fix." Therese muttered. "The kid's a smart alec, by the way."

"Yeah, I'm picking up on that." Krang replied. Then he looked at the boy again. "Bennet a first or last name tough guy? I am not above letting you rot in a holding cell on bread and water till you feel like being cooperative."

The boy did not seem especially perturbed. "Try it! That's a violation of my rights!" He yelled. "Overgrown ape!"

Therese froze. In her normal way of thinking, she had not found it strange, that an oversize monkey was the chief of security. She had seen far stranger things in her days. However, she was also, suddenly quite well aware of the fact that the child may, or may not, have just signed his own death sentence. She took a step back, warily.

Krang smiled at the boys attempt to rattle him. He looked the youngster in the eye and said quietly, "You are now being formally charged with trespassing, unauthorized entry into a secure area and resisting arrest, and refusing to give required identifying information to a law enforcement officer. You will be held in the brig until a civilian magistrate from your home planet can be brought here to hear your case. Seeing as you won't tell us who you are or where you're from, that might take a while."

"I'm going to tell my momma on you!" The boy yelled, and sat down, annoyed.

"Be my guest. In fact, here, use my terminal to call her." Krang answered and turned his desktop terminal to face the boy.

"JUST GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" The boy yelled at him.

Therese giggled slightly. "I'll leave you to your work, Commander Darkmoon. It would appear you have things in hand."

"Thank you Therese." he responded, then turned back to the kid. "I don't think you realize that I am, more likely than not, more hard headed than you are. It is no skin off my nose to let you rot in one of my holding cells. The only person you hurt by not cooperating is you."

"Big, fat, stupid Monkey! I want my lawyer!" The boy yelled back.

"I'll be happy to provide you one, as soon as I know who to tell them they will be representing." Krang answered, physically resisting the urge to pimp smack this little snot.

"NO!" The kid yelled at him. "Go to whatever underworld it is that you believe in, you filthy monkey!"

Krang grabbed a tricorder out of his desk drawer. "Hold him." he says to another security officer. "I am going to do a retinal scan."

Thompson grabbed the kids head and held it still. Krang pried his eye open and scanned him.

A moment later the results appeared.

Bennet Laredo: Important Flags: Arrest Warrant issued from planet: Trill, petty vandalism((257 charges)), petty theft((564 charges)), Resisting arrest((4 charges)), and escaping an established legal penal colony((1 charge)). Arrest Warrant issued from planet: Bajor, petty vandalism((15 charges)). The display popped up.

The kid, who was all of 14, looked down, knowing full well what the display read.

Krang let out a low whistle. "I would tell you to get a hobby, but it seems you already have one." he re-read the list just to make sure he wasn't misreading it. "I think it's safe to say that you're not leaving here any time soon."

The kid merely looked down, and mumbled something about stupid fat monkeys, and their mothers.

Krang called in Chief Petty Officer Atwood and had her escort Mister Bennet to a cell. "I am going to find someone to come get you kid, but you might want to get comfortable, it could take a while."


Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer

Ensign Therese T'vanna
Diplomatic liason to the Ambassador

Civilian Bennet
Trouble maker


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