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Posted on Fri Aug 13th, 2010 @ 3:23am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

347 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: USS New Ironsides enroute to MAS Gladius
Timeline: current

Wilhelm hated last minute recalls, but he did get some other business done as well. Right before he was to disembark on the MAS Gladius he received an emergency summons to Starbase 108 for a review of operations meeting with some Marine brass.

The trip to Starbase 108 was uneventful, the meetings, very uneventful. However Wilhelm ran into an old fling named Lindsey Metz. One thing leads to another and now Wilhelm finds himself on Prometheus attack cruiser with a little piece of jewelry added to his finger...

"Colonel von Hackleberg this is COMM, we have two incoming messages for you." Wilhelm acknowledges the call then rolls out of his borrowed bunk and looks at the computer. The first message was a very personal message from his new wife with the phrase "need for a honeymoon" attached. Wilhelm laughs to himself as he closed the message then opened the next one. This message was way more serious and told him about the current situation on Starbase Typhon. "Damn..." Wilhelm finishes.

After getting cleaned up and a new uniform put on Wilhelm feels an increased vibration in the deck as the New Ironsides accelerates. His COMM chirps, "Colonel von Hackleberg to the Bridge!" Making his way to the Bridge the Captain comes up to him "We've just received news about an attack on the MAS Gladius with moderate casualties." Wilhelm gets a "not going to be a good day" look on his face. The Captain continues, "Apparently they went through a minefield or had som drones attack. The news is still sketchy. Since we were on our way to rendezvous we shall also assist where we can." Wilhelm responds, "How long till intercept?" "Six hours."

---Six Hours Later---

Wilhelm walks onto the Bridge when he hears a call from Ops, "Within visual range." The convoy appears on the screen, centered on the Gladius. Wilhelm notices a few large holes in the assault ship. "She's been hulled." Wilhelm mutters as he sees the crew of the Ironsides go about their business.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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