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Unscheduled Departure

Posted on Sat Jan 2nd, 2010 @ 4:52am by Commodore Edward Fannin

208 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Main Control
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin was holding down the center chair as a Operations message was handed to him. After a few glances he stepped over to the watch officer.

Edward handed the message to the young Ensign. He spoke in a low voice, "There will be a Aerowing Class shuttle departing the Station in a few minutes. It's call sign is MORNINGSTAR. The vessel is assigned to Rear Admiral Stone, Theta Fleet Intelligence Commander. Any time this vessel departs or enters the Starbase please discreetly clear the approach pattern for it. Log entries for this vessel shall not be made in the Starbase log. I shall keep a record of it's location."

The Ensign understood classified missions well and nodded he understood his Captains request.

As if by cue the Morningstar was taxing for a departure and called for clearance. The Ensign confirmed the vessel and within seconds cleared her for departure without instructions, to keep transmissions to a minimum.

The captain smiled at the Ensign. "Smartly Done Ensign, please pass those instructions to all your shifts and department Heads."

"Aye, Aye, Sir."

Fannin return to the chair and wondered who and what was aboard the Morningstar, Were it was going..."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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