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Departure From Typhon / Breifing

Posted on Sat Jan 2nd, 2010 @ 6:14am by Commodore Edward Fannin

237 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Searching for The Drone
Location: Shuttle Morningstar
Timeline: Current


Ty / Seven enjoyed riding on the Aerowing shuttles, long range capable and comfortable. Large enough to set up equipment too. All of his gear was ready, he knew he was headed for a class M planet that had been listed uninhabited but could have some creatures as the Eco system could support it. There wasn't a lot of data as he would be the First to step on the planet.

The pilot of the vessel a Commander walked to the rear and handed him a secure intel pouch. "Two hours to the Landing zone" He turned and left for the galley area..

Ty knew it was briefing time. Shifting in his seat he opened the pouch and plugged the secure chip into his knee pad. He would be landing at night on a very large coastal plain. He was Six kilometers from his first point of interest. A suspected Romulan Drone. As he read on he had several locations he would be checking out. The Mission was scheduled for Five days planetside before his extraction. He downloaded his Com ciphers, checkpoints and emergency rally points just in case. TY removed the chip and tossed it on the deck, it made a cute whining sound as he crushed it with his boot.

He had enough time for a good meal and a quick equipment check before arriving at the LZ...


TY / Seven (NPC)
USB Typhon


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